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Is it safe to climb mount KRN, slovenia in late March?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:05 am
by Nicholas
This is ging to be the first time i climbed a mountain and i have no experience. On this website it says mount KRN is an easy mountain to climb and can be climbed in all seasons. We are thinking of climbing it on the 27th of march is it safe? Please use this link for additional information:

Re: Is it safe to climb mount KRN, slovenia in late March?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:49 pm
by rgg
You're making two statements:

"Krn is an easy mountain to climb"
"Krn can be climbed in all seasons"

It's a very big step to combine this into "Krn can easily be climbed in all seasons". Since you've never climbed a mountain before, I know enough to strongly recommend against attempting Krn in March, unless you go with experienced people.

In summer, to get to the summit you don't need any special gear, just decent footwear. The refuges in the area are open and there are lots of people in the mountains that can help if there is a problem. And according to the link, the easiest route is an easy hike.
In winter (or early spring) there will be snow on the mountain, and that's a game changer. You'll need skis or snow shoes (and the skills to use them, though snow shoeing is easily learned), and some knowledge of avalanche danger and how to avoid it. There will be much less people, so in case of trouble there may not be somebody around to help you.

For the record: I've hiked and climbed in the Julian Alps in summer, but haven't been to Krn (in any season).