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How much snow you got?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:50 am
by mosman
I'm heading to Denver/Colorado Springs from PA this Sat-Tues for a long weekend and looking to bag a few of the easier peaks while there. Can anyone provide any info on current conditions on Grays/Torrey, Mt Bierstadt and Pike's Peak. Is there a need for snow shoes? Also, any other recomendations for hiking in the area at this time of year? Thanks in advance for any help, it is greatly appreciated!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:52 am
by mconnell
On Pikes, you might be postholing a bit below timberline. There isn't much snow at 9,000', but between there and 12,000 there might be more. Above treeline, most of the snow is blown off so I don't think the trail will be too much of a problem.

Note that I haven't been up there lately, I'm just basing it on what's at my house at 9,000.