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Baldy Randonnée Race! (date chosen)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:49 pm
by hamik
Hi folks,

I'm putting on an informal, endurance ski mountaineering race on Mount Baldy on Sunday, February 21. It's intended to be friendly and is totally "under the table" so the forest service doesn't get involved, but I do expect some good competition. Come on out! It looks like 10-15 people will be there, and maybe more if you tell your buddies :wink:

Details: February 21, 10 am. That keeps us well within the lifetime of the SoCal snowpack and gives us room to move it back in case there's adverse weather. I'm not going to bother with sign-ups and all that; just show up Sunday morning at 10 at the hut (I think at least a few will stay overnight on Saturday) and we'll write down names, explain the route, and so on then. By that time the route will have been wanded and timekeepers cozied up in place. Someone on the San Gabes forum even volunteered 6 radios for communication with people around the route, so this might even resemble a race! There will be no prizes, no website, no cheering spectators. Only the unspoken respect of the grimy, breathless competitors you quash. Look forward to it!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:31 pm
by hamik
We are indeed on for Sunday! No promises that the route will be marked, that no one will die, or that it will be a huge event, but at least a few of us will be up there to suffer for three laps, and you are most welcome to join us.