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Slightly OT: Big Giant Space Rock!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:00 am
by Tom Kenney
Though slightly off-topic, this did happen while I was conveying myself (by bicycle) toward the summit of a (lesser) mountain.

Last night, while on one of my twice-weekly night rides, I was riding up Mulholland Drive west of Los Angeles. Suddenly there was a really big flash. Instinct said 'lightning' but reason adjusted this to 'airplane or helicopter' - but it was very bright, even for aircraft. When I looked up I saw the faintly glowing trail across the sky... We had just had a very close call with a big giant space rock! Lucifer's Rubber Mallet, if you will.

Anybody else see it? T'was about 9:30-ish PM, and slightly to the west.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:02 am
by johnm
My son saw it as well and said it lasted awhile. But I hear meteorites the size of a golf ball can put on a helluva light show.