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Mt Eddy Conditions...?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:58 am
by yosemiteforlife67
Hello out there, if anyone might be able to provide me with some information on the current conditions of Mt Eddy, up near Mt Shasta it would be great. I am thinking of going up there for a nice 10 mile round trippper on June 25th. I just mainly want to know what the snow level may be at this point , and whether i may need my ice axe and crampons. I would appreciate any information on this, thanks.

Re: Mt Eddy Conditions...?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:11 pm
by Bubba Suess
I can see the (false) summit of Eddy from my kitchen window. Unless you want to snow shoe, forget about it. There are still several feet of snow a few thousand feet below the summit. Moreover, I have heard that there was a mudslide a few miles below Parks Creek Pass, in addition to the road still being impassable because of snow. I am not sure what the condition of the mudslide is now since I heard about that a few weeks ago but the road is still no dice, as far as I know. I think the access may be better coming from the Trinity River since most of the road is on the southfacing side of the canyon. I heard you can get to within a few miles of Deadfall Meadow from that side. You should be able to hike in to Cliff and Terrace Lakes withing a few days and you may be able to get all the way up to Gumboot and head over to the Seven Lakes Basin by June 25 though...

Re: Mt Eddy Conditions...?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:05 pm
by pschwerdt
Drove by it on Sunday, looks like there is still a lot of snow up there. I'd guess the snow level starts around 6000.