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Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:04 am
by David Senesac
I'd like to get into the mind of ordinary visitors to Yosemite Valley and get other's inputs on what inner maybe subtle motivations were behind their desire to hike to the top of Half Dome. Speculations on why? Here I'm talking about before the current quota system was put in place since obviously people cannot at a whim just take off anymore from their riverside campspot in the morning after eating Mom's bacon. And here I'm not talking about climbing and peak baggers on this forum as many of us are hard core enthusiasts that have developed deep meanings, feelings, and skills about engaging in their sport. But rather those who infrequently visit our mountains and come here as novices often with modest hiking experience. Well actually maybe for some of you Half Dome was your first real peak and that fired your enthusiasm to become a climber?

Some decided to take up the Half Dome challenge before they got here maybe because they talked about it with friends or traded web postings with others that have done so and caught onto to an excitement others were projecting on the challenge. And others after getting here, meeting people about the valley and at campgrounds, and reading information in brochures etc suddenly decided to have a go at it too. Why was it such an attractive challenge despite the fact most had probably seen the ridiculous pictures of people back to back on the cable section? The total mileage and vertical is considerable so one doesn't just decide to do it say like hiking to Nevada Falls. It isn't like Half Dome is the only difficult challenging hike from the Valley Floor. Yosemite Falls, Four Mile Trail, Panorama Dome to Glacier Point are a few of the obvious other hikes that get a few participants every day. In comparison those going up to Half Dome were legion, and day after day, week after week. Maybe because it had become an IN thing to do...if one was up to it? Maybe there is a tendency for many ordinary people to want to hike in a big parade, be scared to death grabbing up the cables with like others back to back, and arrive at the top to join a big mob much like people like to go to sporting events and take part in the stadium atmosphere? What else?

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:16 am
by lcarreau
+ 1

The first few times I visited Yosemite Valley back in the 1980s, just couldn't figure out WHY people were loving the place to death.

Why not visit some of the more remote peaks in the Park ??? I just can't figure some people out, and will probably DIE trying.


Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:26 am
by lcarreau
Lionel wrote:For the same reason so many go to Disney or the various popular places in other parks, the think crowds mean a good time. Some don't even think they can do something not popular or off a trail.

Yes, I believe the "Disney crowd" has a different mindset than the rest of us ...


Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:35 am
by Vladislav
I think Lionel nailed it. It's a crowd mentality that's responsible for the popularity.

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:48 am
by lcarreau
Vladislav wrote:I think Lionel nailed it. It's a crowd mentality that's responsible for the popularity.

Yes, but HOW do you understand the dynamics and social anatomy of "crowd mentality ??? I just wish I could crawl into a time portal ..


Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:07 am
by goldenhopper
Why Half Dome?

Because it comes with an instructional Video:

Oh the Hordes - oh have mercy!


Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:46 am
by Rob
To me, it's funny that you would even have to ask.


Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:48 am
by markv
I hate crowds. I saw a picture of Half Dome and it looked impressive. When i found out i didn't need major climbing skillz to climb it, it was a no-brainer i had to do it.

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:21 am
by SpazzyMcgee
I "get it." I have a lot of friends who are outdoor noobs, and to them Half Dome is probably the only natural feature in CA they can name.

Climbing it is easy enough to accomplish by most reasonably fit people, but hard enough to be a real challenge. It's got a cool "extreme" feature (the cables), but without a ton of risk if you have common sense. It's very scenic, and it's the most iconic natural feature in the park (on the state quarter, after all) in the most iconic park in California, maybe even the whole US. It's such that when you say "I climbed Half Dome," the majority of regular folks will both know what you're talking about, and be impressed.

Shrug...I don't agree with it, and I think trophy outdoorsmanship is lame, but at the same time I can see where people are coming from.

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:08 pm
by Arthur Digbee
I think SpazzyMcgee and zodis nailed it.

Plus, the crowd signals safety -- "I can *do* this!" (My brother climbed it with an IV in his arm.)

FWIW, I took a bunch of noobs off-trail in Yellowstone two weeks ago, and they all thought we were breaking the law until I told them it was OK. So that's presumably one reason why people don't go off-trail, at least in a national park. Plus they figure they'll get lost.

Another thing for old timers: when I went up Half Dome (30 years ago) I thought it would be cool to climb Starr King, but I couldn't find any info in the park about how to do this. So I didn't. Nowadays, obviously I'd just print off the SP page.

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:48 pm
by fedak
> FWIW, I took a bunch of noobs off-trail in Yellowstone two weeks ago, and they all thought we were breaking the law until I told them it was OK.

To be fair, in Yellowstone there are about a half billion signs around most of the road accessible trails warning folks to stay on the trail to avoid the geothermal areas.

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:47 pm
by lcarreau
So you're going to blame it on signs ? Signs are man-made objects that deteriorate over time.

Most folks don't care about signs, anyway. I still don't understand the "crowd mentality" involved with "climbing" a natural feature. Moro Rock is another one, inside Sequoia National Park.

I can think of 50 places where I'd rather be right now, and they ALL involve being as far away from other people (and cell phones) as possible.

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:01 pm
by David Senesac
After typing in the title post, I decided to delete a section that essentially related what SpazzyMcgee very nicely posted as I expected someone here would post the same. When an ordinary person down in one of the riverside campgrounds has done a hike or two in the valley over a couple days and is then looking at coals in the evening fire with friends or family, it is easy to see a small group talking about what they will do the next day. A group that before their Yosemite visit had not really considered actually taking on the HD challenge. If someone suggests they try tackling Four Mile Trail in the afternoon and another after a long pause just says "...what about Half Dome", one can almost sense the rising excitement and pride in the group as they internally begin reflecting on the sound of..."I climbed Half Dome".

Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:14 pm
by lcarreau
So you think of Half Dome as being some type of "trophy," similar to some mammoth elk antlers hanging up on the wall ???

Sorry, but I don't understand that type of mentality, and probably never will. But, to each his own ...

I'm gonna stay as far away from the crowds as I possibly can. Crowds make me extremely nervous.



Re: Why Half Dome ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:26 pm
by WML
Using the cables is not climbing. It is hiking.

Direct Northwest Face, Zenith, Southern Belle, etc. are climbing routes.