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mt gibbs best route - west or south ridge?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:47 am
by Ze
In a Dana / Gibbs loop, what the "better" ridge to ascend / descend, the south to Mono Pass or the west ridge?

Re: mt gibbs best route - west or south ridge?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:54 am
by Noondueler
Ze wrote:In a Dana / Gibbs loop, what the "better" ridge to ascend / descend, the south to Mono Pass or the west ridge?
The first ascent of Gibbs was the south slope by horseback. That and the west slope are class one. West probably a bit steeper.

Re: mt gibbs best route - west or south ridge?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:51 am
by Greg Enright
There is an old sled trail that starts near Mono Pass and heads up to some remnants of mining cabins. There was a very old pair of boots laying outside one of the cabins when I first saw the cabins, back in the '70s. Still an interesting place to explore.

The cabins are in the bowl that is south and west of the summit, so one could hike the Mono Pass trail, head up the sled trail, then up the west ridge to the summit. I'm not sure how obvious the start of the sled trail is now, so hiking Dana, then Gibbs, then down through the mining area might be your best bet.

Re: mt gibbs best route - west or south ridge?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:17 am
by webenji
I would also go with the West ridge. I think it is slightly easier and less distance overall.

@Greg Enright, I've noticed a "ski-like" slope on the north side of the trail in the forest. It is essentially an "avenue" with no trees, very similar to what you see in ski resorts when the snow is gone. I've always wondered what it was. Is that the old sled trail you are talking about? See picture below...


Re: mt gibbs best route - west or south ridge?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:31 pm
by Ze
thanks. interesting about the remnants. I'll try to check those out if I can sniff out their location

Re: mt gibbs best route - west or south ridge?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:33 am
by Greg Enright
Webenji, that area that you have highlighted looks like a scar from avalanches, or an area too wet for trees to grow. The sled trail is more like a wide trail where rocks have been repositioned to allow for one to skirt up a side slope to reach the upper bowls of the mountain. I can't remember exactly, but it could be from 6 to 10 feet wide.

Ze, I wish I could tell you exactly where to look, but I just remember the location generally. Heck, there isn't even very much to see there, but as long as you are in the neighborhood, it might be worth a visit.