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Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:40 pm
by mrchad9
I still don't follow why there was a rescue.

1. If she was at 13000 feet and needed a 911 call why didn't the guy who found her just walk her out. She could obvious move on her own if the made it down Clear Creek.
2. When she was found again why didn't they just walk her out? It was just a trail at that point.

Someone who is lost just needs be pointed in the right direction. Not rescued. And idk why a helicopter is needed up pull someone from 8500 feet. I suppose this is why you said "safety".

Also why is Google ads showing me eclipse glasses on SummitPost just after I bought them? That is annoying. If they can tell what I searched for why can't they tell if I bought it already. Always one day past being relevant. Annoying!

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:56 pm
by clmbr
mrchad9 wrote:I still don't follow why there was a rescue.

1. If she was at 13000 feet and needed a 911 call why didn't the guy who found her just walk her out. She could obvious move on her own if the made it down Clear Creek.
2. When she was found again why didn't they just walk her out? It was just a trail at that point.

Someone who is lost just needs be pointed in the right direction. Not rescued. And idk why a helicopter is needed up pull someone from 8500 feet. I suppose this is why you said "safety".

Also why is Google ads showing me eclipse glasses on SummitPost just after I bought them? That is annoying. If they can tell what I searched for why can't they tell if I bought it already. Always one day past being relevant. Annoying!

1. He found her two days later. That night at dark he had no idea about her phone call and the location. She had NO HEADLAMP and the guy tried to call her to get the location but had no f... reception! He could not even connect with f... 911 for the next few hours even though he had up to 4 f... bars.

2. That what she wanted and they started waking down but he still had to make 911 call in order not to be later arrested for obstruction of investigation. When they started walking down the military helicopter (actually two of them, the second around Wintum) came and basically "kidnapped" her. Big show! So Shame!

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:07 am
by mrchad9
Ha! Sounds like the guys in the helicopters are just bored and looking for something to do. I forgot my headlamp once. Not sure you need it really I think you can get by fine without one if needed. I usually don't climb until after sunrise anyway.

And cell phone bars are very misleading... especially on Shasta.

So did she pray for world peace? Or is her fail the reason we are about to go at it with North Korea. I guess she was our only hope.

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:16 am
by clmbr
mrchad9 wrote:So did she pray for world peace? Or is her fail the reason we are about to go at it with North Korea. I guess she was our only hope.

It's not up to one person.

I just found out in one of the article that "Stevens was found by the red banks..." Can anyone explain which area is called red banks please? Is it a specific place on Shasta or any rocks?

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:46 am
by mrchad9
This is why it took two days to find her. They had to go to all of the Red Banks.

It seems Mount Shasta's management had taken a dramatic turn for the worse. They used to be a great example of what rangers and wilderness management should be. Something the fat, lazy, and ignorant personnel of Inyo National Forest, Yosemite National Park, all our state parks, and pretty much any other agency would have done well to learn by.

I guess it was just a matter of time though. Instead of modeling the one good example out there what has happened is the Shasta team has dropped to the incompetence of the others. They close off areas for no reason, can't get roads open even though there is nothing wrong with them, are unable to execute even the most basic of services. I suppose I haven't noticed the change until now as I have mostly been on less traveled routes and haven't encountered them much recently... but from all the stories I have heard it appears Nick's crew has taken a turn for the worse.

I guess the old guard is out and have moved on and the new guys do not measure up. Nick rode the wave of his predecessor and now he's left us with trash. His legacy is the destruction of his entire organization.

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:27 pm
by powderjunkie
Harsh. But I'm not up there enough to notice.

clmbr - not sure if you're joking about red banks locations. It is in avalanche gulch and very obvious.

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:47 am
by clmbr
powderjunkie wrote:Harsh. But I'm not up there enough to notice.

clmbr - not sure if you're joking about red banks locations. It is in avalanche gulch and very obvious.

ORDER NO. 14-17-02

Well, I'm not joking I just wanted to be sure if there is any place on Clear Creek side called "red banks" because I know Charity Stevens was found a few hundred (vertical) feet above Clear Creek base camp, definitely NOT even close to Avalanche Gulch Red Banks. I'm just not sure who spreads out such incorrect information and why. Is it just ignorance?

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:57 am
by simonov
clmbr wrote:
simonov wrote:
clmbr wrote:Here is a video of the missing hiker’s friend telling the story from her perspective:
Confession of Heather Bakner, a friend of a lost hiker on Mt Shasta

I suppose if you believe you can achieve world peace simply by praying for it, you can also assume you will be rescued off a mountain if you pray hard enough.

And what do you think has happened?

Hadn't thought of it that way.

Hopefully, world peace will break out any day now.

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:36 pm
by mrchad9
clmbr that map doesn't say anything about Sand Flat being closed to camping.

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:04 pm
by clmbr
mrchad9 wrote:clmbr that map doesn't say anything about Sand Flat being closed to camping.

That's why I downloaded the map so everyone can see because the explanation I got about allowed camping (except Bunny Flat) was confusing. There were no warning signs with a few exceptions of small singes on some threes at the unpaved roads entrances. I was told due to feasibility they cannot put signs everywhere so you must get a map to know the restricted areas. The question is how the hell one would know about any restrictions if no signs were posted at the place you wanted to camp. :o :?:

Charity Stevens found on Mt Shasta by a Mountaineer

PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:13 am
by clmbr
On the 26th of July, Charity Steven attempted climbing to the top of Mt Shasta, a volcano over 14,000 feet located in California, to pray for world peace and was reported as missing. the end a mountaineer from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, Marek Damm went on a personal Search & Rescue mission and found Charity Steven.


Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 1:26 am
by clmbr

Re: Hiker called for help on Shasta

PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:33 pm
by clmbr
clmbr wrote:
powderjunkie wrote:...
clmbr - not sure if you're joking about red banks locations. It is in avalanche gulch and very obvious.

Well, I'm not joking I just wanted to be sure if there is any place on Clear Creek side called "red banks" because I know Charity Stevens was found a few hundred (vertical) feet above Clear Creek base camp, definitely NOT even close to Avalanche Gulch Red Banks. I'm just not sure who spreads out such incorrect information and why. Is it just ignorance?

Here is the reason why I asked the "red bank" question:
If you are familiar with Mt Shasta, compare the helicopter location in the video and read this story carefully:

Original video: Charity Stevens found on Mt Shasta by a Mountaineer

Report: Sheriff’s Office reports rescue of missing hiker on Mt. Shasta

mrchad9 wrote:There is a lot of bullshit in [these] article[s].
Well Mud Creek glacier is no where near the Red Banks, as anyone who has been to both would know. Also it is very unlikely she traversed over all the rock bands to get from one to the other... or crossed over Mud Creek Canyon from there to get to Clear Creek. Apparently she lost the (currently extremely obvious) trail...

She was last seen at the Clear Creek trailhead at the 8,500-foot level, and it appeared she was not dressed for inclement weather or cold temperatures, according to Lopey.

Not a very good article but I bet it sounds fine to the average subscriber in Redding! :P

Sunny Buns wrote:Best as I recall, Clear Creek trailhead is at ~6,400', not 8,500'.

simonov wrote:You can't even work out a proper chronology from the article.

I am pretty sure she called for help at 9:46 Wednesday night and spent two nights on the mountain before being rescued Friday evening at 7:43, though that's not what the article says.

mrchad9 wrote:Ha! Sounds like the guys in the helicopters are just bored and looking for something to do...

There was a three page discussion who and why should pay for the Search & Rescue, especially for such expensive helicopters:
Fall and injury on Mt Abbott

So perhaps to lower the S&R efforts and costs we should not blame the unfortunate people for getting lost or injured (there will be always new to come) but focus on Search & Rescue efficiency, the strategy and proper implementation itself. Or perhaps we should replace people and helicopters at all with drones equipped with infrared cameras, for instance. :o I think Silicon Valley guys can easily do it. I bet we could save a lot of tax payers’ money as well as victims’ families and friends emotional suffering. :cry:

Or at least for instance:
DukeJH wrote:...a training exercise.
Romain wrote:Natural selection at work.
or just ask SP'ers for help. :oops:

But is that really what everyone wants?

Good luck!

BTW, forgive media. As our president Donald Tramp says, "Fake media". You know, there is nothing you can do about it. It’s not their fault... :D

Re: Charity Stevens found on Mt Shasta by a Mountaineer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:04 am
by SJD
Now that's a classic.

Re: Charity Stevens found on Mt Shasta by a Mountaineer

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:53 pm
by stinkysox77
That ending where he mentions his clothing getting taken away and himself being left with nothing is hilarious.