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Cathedral Peak - Best 4th cl route

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:12 am
by twicken2
Mountaineers route or West face?

I'm solo this weekend, but itching to get out - anyone want to rope up for the SE Buttress?

Re: Cathedral Peak - Best 4th cl route

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 7:58 pm
by MattGreene
If you don't find anyone to rope up with, I'd say the West Face route is a much more interesting scramble than the Mountaineers route. It's a lot more adventurous. While I was hiking out from the Cathedral Lakes last summer, that side of Cathedral Peak just called to me. I didn't know there was a documented route, and had doubts that I'd find a way to the top of the mountain, but it all worked out. On my way back from the lakes, I just started ascending as soon as I saw terrain that looked like 3rd-4th class. The rock was solid and fun, and the bushwhacking sections were short and bearable. It was a blast. I should add that you'll descend via the Mountaineers route anyways.