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Peaks For Pets & The N.E.U.8 Hiking Challenge!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:02 pm
by ADK_46
Hey everyone please spread the word and help us raise money for the SPCA doing what we love! The following links are to Doug Duncan's newly created program Peaks for Pets all the money goes directly to the SPCA. Our goal and vision is to bag peaks for pets!

The North East Ultra 8 is our Ultra Mountain Challenge we invite everyone to come join in on! These hikes are completed in 24hrs or less!!!! We want to gain support to climb these Mountains and see you contribute to our sacrifice by donating to the SPCA Peaks for Pets as we complete each one of the challenging hikes! Bellow are a list of the 8 most Badass hikes in the North East that make up the NEU8:

The Great Range
The Devils Path
Mahoosuc Trail
Saranac Ultra 6
Presidential Traverse
The Pemi Loop
The Cranberry Lake 50

You can win 3 patches total by completing this challenge in the summer, winter, and over all compleltion of the challenge!

"This Winter, paired with my new hiking partner, JIM WALLACE, of Mountain Venture Guides, we will be attempting something, never done before in the hiking community of the Northeastern USA!"

A link to the N.E.U.8 will be posted soon with a more detailed overview. If you have any question please feel free to contact Doug, or myself.

Currently we are still working with the SPCA for the official site, but we could no longer wait to kick things off!! Thank you all so much for your support! Again please spread the word and make an animals day! ~Chris

***Update*** Peaks For Pets

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:09 pm
by ADK_46

Doug, Jim, and myself will be attempting to Climb 10 Summits & 32miles, of the Mahoosuc Traverse in Maine the 31st of December!

We are hoping to find more people to Pledge to our cause! Please visit to donate and save some lives! This is our fist Peaks For Pets event and we wanted to kick start it with a North East Ultra!

You can view our progress the day of by visiting Doug's event FB page: or
We will have a SPOT device active so you can track our progress!