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multipitch ice ???

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:42 pm
by lelf
Hi all of you SPers !!!

me and my partner are looking for grade 3+ or easy grade 4 multi pitch climb in the north east...bigger stuff the better !!! Since we juste started ice climbing around mid january harder stuff would be quite frightening for us to is what we alredy did to give you an idea of our climbing/commitment level:

Standard route, frankenstein cliff
multiplication gully
chouinard gully
roaring brook falls
damnation gully
pinacle gully
la congelé direct, montmorency falls(quebec city)

any idea of routes to complete this already amazing (in my rookie point of view...) season ?
and another concern would be till when can we expect to climb in decent conditions ? late march ? april ?

thanks a lot for any infos !!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:58 pm
by Tom Fralich
What about the routes at Pitchoff North Face...Weeping Winds, Screw and Climaxe? Also Chouinard's Right, Crystal Ice Tower to White Line Fever, Lilith at Chapel Pond. You can also try Smuggs...Blind Fate, Dave's Snotscicle, Elephant Head Gully, etc. The Penguin at Frankenstein is a really good independent line right of Standard Route if there is ice on the lower pitches. There are tons of routes...I lived in NYC for 10 years and never ran out of new routes to do.