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Presi traverse "biathlon"-- where to park my bike?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:33 pm
by Couloirman
I'm soloing the presi traverse in the next couple weeks through the night to hopefully see some of the meteor shower. I want to leave my bike at the finish, drive to the start, hike the traverse, then bike back to my car. Which direction do you recommend if doing it this way in terms of bike parking safety? Is there a place near either end of the hike that has a relatively safe bike rack? Or do you just stash in the woods out of the way locked to itself in a configuration that can't be ridden off and hope for the best?

I've already done the presi in the dark in a single push before, have GPS track to help me not get lost at night, plenty of experience/fitness for the level of commitment, etc... I just don't remember if either end has a good bike stash.


Re: Presi traverse "biathlon"-- where to park my bike?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:49 pm
by nartreb
Can't recall any bike racks, though it's not like I'm ever looking for them. Highland Center probably has one, call them.

Well-hidden in the woods would feel safer to me than any bike rack. (Good use for a GPS waypoint.) Locked, chained to a tree, and with a dated note in case somebody finds it and thinks it's abandoned.

I think the Appalachia trailhead would offer a little bit more room (flattish, dry woods) to find a good hiding spot as compared to Highland Center or the Webster Cliff trailhead, but you don't need very much. Not sure if the biking is easier one way than the other (Highland Center is higher than Appalachia, Webster TH isn't), so I'd probably hike north-south for the usual hiker's reasons.

Re: Presi traverse "biathlon"-- where to park my bike?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:38 am
by Couloirman
Sounds good thanks man! Thats a good idea about a note with a date on it too, definitely hadn't thought of that