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3 months in Patagonia. Asolo 8000 vs sportiva evo gtx?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:49 pm
by Wdavis14
Hey everyone! Just joined the forum after stalking for a couple months, but I have a question which I couldn't find an answer to. I'll be spending January through march in Patagonia on a semester long trip for nols (national outdoor leadership school). The boots they recommend for the mountaineering section are the Asolo 8000 plastic boots. In the item list they say plastics are better because of warmth and water resistance for the section. But, both boots are around $500 and I have an opportunity to get the sportiva evo gtx for around 350 new. They are leather boots but have gortex duratherm liners that seem to serve a similar purpose to the high heat/water resistance I would get from the Asolo 8000. Anyways, I've never hiked at high altitudes, especially those in Chilean Patagonia- so what do you guys recommend and why? Thanks, community!

Edit: forgot very important piece! I will be using Grivel 12-point step in crampons

Re: 3 months in Patagonia. Asolo 8000 vs sportiva evo gtx?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:44 am
by Damien Gildea
You won't be at high altitudes in Chilean Patagonia. It is low but the snow is wet.

Look around the net and you'll find plastics cheaper than $500. I think Whittaker mountaineering up in WA sell off Lowa Civettas cheap. The moisture is a real issue in Patagonia, both on the approaches through bog and forest as well as on the wet snow of the climb. Being able to remove and dry the inners is a real advantage.

I assume you mean Nepal Evo GTX? The leather will get wet and heavy and the Gore liner eventually won't breathe like that. The Gore liner won't keep you warm like the insulated inners of the plastic boots, it just limits the ingress of water from outside.

Asolo are only good if they fit you, like any boot. Some find they fit narrow. Scarpa Alpha or Omega would also be a suitable light plastic boot and you might find them cheap somewhere.