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Marmot Lair 8P as a dining tent on Kilimanjaro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:19 am
by Roger
Hi All

I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the Marmot Lair 8P as a roomy, quality dining tent for 8 clients trekking on Kilimanjaro.

If anyone can offer a better solution than the Marmot Lair 8P then I would be keen to hear your opinions

Also what would be a good solution if there were more than 8 clients. Use two tents or a bigger expedition tent? Brand ideas?


Re: Marmot Lair 8P as a dining tent on Kilimanjaro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:43 pm
by ExcitableBoy
I was in the Ruth Gorge a number of years back and a French team had a North Face tent that was pretty darn cool. I was made of yellow haul bag material and was configured like an old canvas army tent; vertical side walls supported by vertical aluminum tubes (perhaps 1.5 inches in diameter) with a pitched roof. It was large enough to hold two folding card tables, folding chairs, a sterio system with enough room to walk around in. I thought it was called a 3 meter tent or some such thing.