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Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:20 pm
by Cy Kaicener
Scott, I have not run the Pikes Peak marathon yet but my friend Perry Scanlon has. He said the elevation really slows you to a fast walk. His website is
The winner of the Mt Baldy run (4000 ft gain) did it in one hour and 9 minutes last year. It took me twice as long.
In this year's LA Marathon a 92 year old man finished the race in 4 hours and 23 minutes.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:02 pm
by Frostbite
I love running. I run trails 4-5 days a week. I used to run competetively and kept a journal of every run I did which eventually burned me out. Now, I just like going out and not worrying about my time or distance, but just getting out to unwind and go for the experience, health, endorphin high, and simple joy of it.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:08 pm
by mrwsierra
Running is my salvation in the winter when the Sierras are snowed in. Sacramento is great as I get to run the trails on the American River Parkway.

I try to get in 10-15 miles of running in per week, usually 6-8 mile runs. My split times are lousy but who cares.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:36 pm
by Carbo
I used to run more, a couple of injuries and long work days got me out of the routine though. I did the SF marathon back in 2000, which also put me in great shape for trip up Shasta the following week. It left my knees somewhat weaken/abused though. I find a running a good way to stay in shape and rid some of the stress buildup from work. I have nice 6.5 miles trail with hills behind my house that I ought to use more.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:56 am
by jenniferdenoya
Running is therapeutic and absolutely addictive...I ran a marathon last year and am training for the USMC one this year...should be an awesome event! Anyone else running that one this year?

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:09 am
by The Defiant One
i run 40-50 miles per week
thinking of running death valley marathon in december

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:09 am
by robinmtns
"Running is therapeutic and absolutely addictive.."

Totally incorrect. I've been running 4-5 times a week since I was about 14, about 30 years straight now and have never become addicted yet!

But seriously though: whats cool and good about running besides the obvious cardio benefits is the impact training keeping the bones and leg muscles strong. Nothing better for moutaineering other than mountaineering itself, IMHO.

Keep on running!

Anyone elso on here doing the Pike's Marathon this year? Should be a good time as always.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:07 am
by Charles
horses for courses, derelict. One should run the stretches that one enjoys and gets a kick out of. Keep running on trails then :o)

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:06 pm
by Charles
on the 6 May 1954 Roger Bannister ran the first sub 4 minute mile with a time of 3minutes 59.4 seconds.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:07 pm
by Scott M.
Been racing ultras (50k through 100 miles) and other various distances since 1993 mostly on trails. In fact, I'm leaving for Lone Pine, CA in a few minutes for the Wild Wild West 50k in the foothills near Mt. Whitney which takes place tomorrow. Keeps you in great shape for those long days in the mountains. Been averaging a little over 3000 miles a year since 1993. There are several great events on trails that should especially appeal to SPers.

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:17 pm
by Dave Daly
I run 3-4 times a week (25-28 miles a week). I wish I could do more but my schedule makes it tough to put in more. I used to run cross country while I was in high school but I dreaded it most of the time (especially when your Dad is the coach of the team : P ). Seems like within the last 10 years, I've embraced it as a way to isolate myself from the rat race and keep my aging metabolism from falling apart.

Here's an enlightening question:

<b>What's you favorite brand of shoes? </b>

Me? I'm a sucker for Asics: the Gel-Nimbus (for long milage) and the Gel-Trainer X (for fast days).

Great topic, Charles

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:05 pm
by Frostbite
If I run on pavement, I like the Asics Gel too. For me, they seem to have the right combination of cushioning and stability. However, I would say that 90% of my runs are on trails. Ive had pretty good luck with Montrail and Solomon - a real sin up here in Nike country!

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:46 pm
by Scott Fulton
Scott M., have you run the Bishop High Sierra 50K/50M? It is coming in a couple of weekends. I'd consider running the 50K of that (have never tried a 50M yet) if I weren't doing the Auburn Half-Ironman that weekend. I did not know that Wild Wild West had a 50K, thought it was just a marathon.

Another option for that weekend is the Ohlone Wilderness 50K, from Fremont to Livermore. I understand that one is great and totally brutal.

Tell us how www50K was when you get back!

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 8:05 pm
by Carbo
"thought it was just a marathon."
damn you have to run far these days to do something that is not '"just another.." :-)

Re: runner thread

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 6:30 pm
by Carbo
Have any of you runners used a baby jogger to bring you little one along for run? I currently looking for one and I looking for advice on a recommended model. Baby jogger, BOB and Kelty seem to be the ones that are most suited for running. It would be great if they are useful on trail too.
Anyone got an opinion on this?