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Snow Conditions in Late November in Wyoming

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:56 pm
by ashish
Are snow conditions stable enough in late November in Teton/Yellowstome/Windriver areas for snow couloir and general snow climbing? I am thinking about going up there from Houston during the thanksgiving week. Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:00 pm
by shanahan96
i would stick to ridges during that time of year. the tetons are a major avalanche area, and i would assume the same for the wind rivers, and probably the higher peaks in yellowstone. may, june and later down the road would provide a safer period to climb couloirs.


PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:02 pm
by Doublecabin
Here is what the Pinnacle Buttes and the southern end of the Buffalo Plateau looked like last week from the Dunoir Valley. Note the polar conditions on Austin Peak and the Plateau. We had more than 3' of snow here at 8K the first half of October, more than twice that above 9.5 k. November has started out quite warm. I'd call either Skinny skis or Teton Mountaineering in Jackson, Wild Iris in Lander, or the Great Outdoor Shop in Pinedale. Conditions this year should be one glorious mixed bag. Have a great trip and thanks for spending vacation dollars in Wyoming.


PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:56 am
by b.
Really hard to say in the Tetons. Conditions change pretty rapidly up there. There certainly could be good couloir climbing, but a better bet is pretty good skiing. Most of the ski resorts are opening right around then, and I imagine there will be much vertical swimming if you are on foot. The Bridger Teton National Forest has a weather/avalanche station in the south end of the range at about 10k. That might be worth a google.