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Created new page and Add Trip Report not displaying

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:49 pm
by dsmith814
I am in the process of creating a new route page for Llullaillaco. The new route page is called Llullaillaco Northeast (Inca) Route. The page is created but I am not seeing where I can add a trip route of my recent climb of that route. Under the Contribute section of the left side navigation pane, I only see the options: Add Multiple Images, Add Image and Add Album.
On the parent page "Llullaillaco" I see that I can add a trip report under that page, but would like the trip report to be tied to the Northeast Route page.


Re: Created new page and Add Trip Report not displaying

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:41 pm
by Matt Miller
Hi Dan,

You can "attach" (form a parent/child/related) any object to another by using the "Attach/Detach" interface. Look for it in the Admin - Editor Options drop-down menu. See the attached screenshot.

The "Attach/Detach" interface can take a little bit of playing with to figure out, so let me know if you have any more questions.

Screenshot 2020-01-28 09.36.31.png
Screenshot 2020-01-28 09.36.31.png (79.6 KiB) Viewed 4642 times

Re: Created new page and Add Trip Report not displaying

PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:22 pm
by dsmith814

Thanks for the info. I'm not sure that is the process that I am trying to accomplish. The attached graphics show what I'm trying to get to happen. The main Llullaillaco page has an option "Add Trip Report" so that others can post a trip report. My page I created for the different route Llullaillaco NE Route does not have that option to "Add trip Report". My goal is to add my own recent trip report from January but also have others who have climbed that route add their trip reports.

Or is it setup that Trip Reports only can be added at the parent page level and not at the child page level even though the child page is for a different route. So basically I would need to add my trip report at the main Llullaillaco page?

Also is it possible to add multiple GPX files to a report or page.


Re: Created new page and Add Trip Report not displaying

PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:23 pm
by Matt Miller
Sorry for the very late response! I've been super busy the last few days and just had a chance to check back in here.

dsmith814 wrote:Or is it setup that Trip Reports only can be added at the parent page level and not at the child page level even though the child page is for a different route. So basically I would need to add my trip report at the main Llullaillaco page?

That's correct. I suppose that Route pages are set up such that Trip Reports aren't considered logical children. Not sure who decided that, but that's the way it is right now. I could change it if it makes sense.

However, I believe you can still achieve the attaching of the TR to the Route page through the interface that I pointed out in the previous post.