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Mountain Medics International

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:13 pm
by Garon Coriz
Sorry if this is not the appropriate place to post this but it is definitely relevant to the topic of mountain medicine.

Mountaineers and explorers for many decades have visited wonderful landscapes to consume with their eyes, the gorgeous scenery and/or gain glory in their respective communities with feats of strength and skill. Yet, not often have they taken a moment to pay homage to the extraordinary peoples and cultures of these regions. Rarely have they sought to investigate their lives and the hardships inherent in them and even rarer yet, have they attempted to put effort into helping them. A US-based, volunteer-staffed, nonprofit organization aimed at improving the health and quality of life of developing mountain communities around the world, Mountain Medics International is a unique and noble entity.

Our goal is to raise money for this organization so the medical team we hope to join next summer may have enough supplies to provide care to the hundreds seen during the 3-week trek through the highlands of Peru.

The trip begins on June 12th, which means the deadline for fundraising is March 12. We hope to get some financial support from as many of you as possible to help in providing healthcare to these underserved people high in the Andes. We're also planning to set up a couple fundraising events early next year and give away some paintings to those who contribute a fair amount.

Contact me (Garon Coriz) if you have any questions, please. The website for the organization has a plethora of information. The link is below.

If you do contribute to this innovative organization, could you please make a statement about this post? Thank you very much. :D

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:04 pm
by lowlands
Very good cause, I read through a part of the website. Are you simply looking for cash donations or for people to put in work? I would like to do the latter if at all possible.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:21 pm
by Garon Coriz
My job is to raise money for the organization before leaving for Peru in early June. However, I know there are a couple routes of supporting MMI without financial contributions. One is helping to place political pressure on the government of Peru to provide birth certificates to everyone in the country, which would do wonders for the organization and administration of healthcare in Peru.

If you want, you can contact the top dogs in the administration and ask about other ways you can help--I simply don't know enough about volunteer work. The contact link is below.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:03 pm
by lowlands
Got it, keep up the good work, hope you guys do well in Peru.