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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:39 pm
by JasonH
If you want to talk to CLIMBERS only then I think you are at the wrong website.

Re: Really, why DOES this forum exist?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:44 pm
by MarthaP
Guyzo wrote:
MarthaP wrote:While I'm sure the best of intentions was considered when creating this forum, it really seems to have degenerated into a bunch of blathering. I'll 'fess up to contributing to that.

But it's looking more like ArCee dot n00b every day, and that's not a compliment. Their community forum was ripe with tangential rip-offs posted by people trying really hard to be clever and cute. It's already the mode d'emploi here and you know what happens once a precedent is set...

It got old reeeeallllly fast. And their Community forum equated to SP's PnP and now Ethics, Spray and Slander as well.

Soooooo, I say we just get rid of the durned thing. Anything unmoderated, regardless of topic, belongs in the skanky version of PnP. Post pics of Boobs galore there (and don't forget Gee DoubleYah as one of them) and I won't get involved in that boyhood slagheap.

This monster really needs to go before it gets more publicly stupid than it already is.



Looking at your profile and history.....

You are obviously Not a Climber by any stretch of the imagination.

This is interesting - because I don't bother to post/boast my sufferfests here on SP I'm not a climber? I have a lot more going on in my life than crossing my t's and dotting my i's on this website. Like maintaining my own, for example. I suggest before you cast aspersions that you delve a little deeper into my curriculum vitae. I see you don't have a significant amount of information on your profile page either, yet you speak as an aficionado. And we should trust your opinion because...?

Guyzo wrote:No disrespect intended, because everybody on SP at least gets out and suffers some and that will make you one of the tribe. Suffering is something I have a deep understanding of.

One of the things I really love about SummitPost is the wide-open, free flowing discussions we engage in. Real climbers sometimes engage in esoteric discussions and these can become quite heated. Many times folks on SP, who are not really “Climbers” Jump in and complain about the tenor and tone of these posts.

You have completely missed my point. This forum has turned into trash and belies the true spirit and depth of the website in general. It has also gone quite a distance from what I believe the original intent to be. If it's going to continue to take this direction then, as with PnP, it needs to either be moderated to retain its integrity or it needs to be taken off the front page.

Guyzo wrote:I hoped that this would be the place where someone like me, could engage in deep talks with other Rock Climbers about the real serious issues that bind and divide us.

Sure, I'm into deep talks, too. Read my website. Read my blogspot. But I hardly think a series of tangential "my dick is the best" threads will lead to any sort of deep discussion, other than deep throat. Ethics? I'm all about that. Spray and Slander? Something that shouldn't be on the front page and certainly doesn't suggest real serious issues.

As I mentioned above, people who propose ideas that don't go over well often get a little disparaging in their responses. You've proven nothing less.

BTW, Guyzo, you're an asshole. That fits into the slander portion of this programming. Really adds a lot to this forum, eh?

Re: The Forum

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:59 am
by MarthaP
JLIEBERMAN wrote:Hey Martha! Want to go climbing with me and Guyzo in Yosemite?

Thanks, but I've already got a date in the valley early October.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:36 am
by lcarreau
So ... sounds like this entire thing has degraded into a "pissing match."

Just because certain people don't know how to laugh at themselves.

Final question:

"How the hell did I ever get stuck with the name of "Ma-goo ???"


Re: Really, why DOES this forum exist?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:54 am
by simonov
Lolli wrote:I have a slight objection to your post, though. "with other Rock Climbers". By that I assume you mean roped rock climbing.

There are many different varieties of climbing, and I don't see why this one forum should be restricted to only that one variety.

Well, while I agree that rock climbing isn't the be-all and end-all of climbing, it is subject to all kinds of brainless religious controversy in a way other sorts of climbing are not.

Hence a forum where rock climbers can beat their chests over trivial horseshit.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:03 am
by lcarreau
I'm not a rock climber, and not once did I say I (ever) was a rock climber.

But, do I deserve any less respect because I CHOSE not to become a rock climber ???

I tend to agree with Mister Redneck on this one !!!

And ... what's wrong with explaining to "neebie" folks what rock climbing really is, and
some of the language they use while they're out there busting their asses on hard rock?

Please, won't somebody answer my questions ??? ?? (Pretty please ...)

- Mister Magoo of AZ

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:20 am
by lcarreau
And, may the good fairy descend to the dirty depths of this thread, and give it the blessing it
deserves ... for crying out loud.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:24 am
by simonov
lcarreau wrote:Image


PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:35 am
by Day Hiker
My dick is the best.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:40 pm
by Bob Sihler
As long as threads in this forum appear on the front page, you will not be able to keep your "undesirables" out. You can call the forum whatever you want, but it'll still show up as just any other post on the front page, which is where many people go to check out the latest threads.

And if the forum becomes a semi-secret place for one special group, that's just isn't right.

knoback wrote:I won't scoff at your appreciation of a long walk in the hills, if you don't criticize my fascination with a 15' boulder problem. This site is better in that regard than many others, but the desire of the non-technical community to interject still aserts itself all too frequently.

Let me first say that I agree with many of your views on climbing as stated in the forums and your trip reports, especially about sport climbing. The comments in your trip reports sometimes make me laugh out loud.

But people aren't scoffing at your interest in a 15' boulder problem. It's this attitude that others have no right to join the discussions that people object to, especially about ethical issues, as they often have broader implications beyond just the rock-climbing community.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:11 pm
by lcarreau
thoth wrote:

The non-climbers interject because this site is every bit as much, if not more, theirs than the hardcore tech guys. Other places on the net exist if you only want that crowd.

I agree completely. This dude has all his "ducks lined up in a row."

Free choice - definitely a free choice issue.

There's plenty of other sites out there where people can go to discuss the ethics of

The majority of us "dirtbag-hiker-photogs" have a voice on what's happenin' on SP, too !!!

Are you going to try to muffle our voice, or let us chime in what matters the most to us???

Let's put an end to this war between climbers and non-climbers. DO IT NOW!



PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:38 pm
by Mihai Tanase
lcarreau wrote:I agree whole-heartedly with Mister Savage.

I will NEVER subscribe to the PnP forum - that thing is nothing but a smelly cesspool of
hate messages and personal attacks on innocent people.

Image ... sc&start=0 ... t&start=15

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:28 pm
by Day Hiker

This is still aggravating. How can someone look at that URL and think there is anything in it specific to just HIS OWN profile.

As if your profile is .../user_page.php, and another's is .../anotheruser_page.php, and someone else's is .../someoneelse_page.php. Or everyone else's profile URL has numbers after it, and yours just happens to be the ONLY ONE without. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:45 pm
by lcarreau
Negatory, I'm not biting on that one; George already filled me in previously.

This "dry humor" tends to kill a serious person like me.

All I can do is quote what "Harlan" once said in a previous thread:

"I definitely think the PnP problems are 'exacerbated' by reality TV, but I ALSO
believe PnP is causing global warming, because of the vast methane emissions."

(Think about it - we're all in this together, folks!)
