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Expedition grants available from the Mazamas

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:47 pm
by caude
I'm trying to spread awareness of the following grant available from the Mazama Expedition Committee. If you are planning a significant climb or expedition for 2010 please take a look and consider applying.

Alpine Adventure Grant

This grant is for non-Mazama members and members alike. The goal of this grant is to promote adventurous climbing and provide resources for climbers to explore and attempt challenging climbs. While trips do not need to be at the leading edge of alpinism, special consideration will be given to expeditions contributing to the sport of mountaineering and alpine climbing by attempting new routs or significant repeat ascents. Weighted consideration will be given to climbs exploring off the beaten path and lesser know mountain ranges of the world. Climbers do not have to be Mazama members to be eligible for this expedition grant.

Application Deadline is December 31