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TNF and...the Grateful Dead?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:29 pm
by MarkDidier
Getting some reading done, came across the following, and found it too hilarious - and bizarre - to not share. If it's old news, oh well.

The Dead also served as entertainment at the opening of the North Face Ski Shop in a tiny hole in the wall next to the Condor Club, the North Beach topless joint where Carol Doda's breasts were on display. Over the next few years, North Face would become a fabulously successful chain, as would its successor company, Espirit, but at this time founders Doug and Suzie Tompkins were so poor that they made ends meet by stealing electricity from their next-door neighbor. The event included Mimi Farina as a skiwear model and Joan Baez as a guest attraction. Two Hell's Angels acted as security to the invitation-only crowd. Afterward, the store owners took the Dead and the Angels to a local restaurant for dinner...

I guess my 2015 image of TNF clashes a bit with this bit of history, but I suppose back in 1966 in the Haight it wasn't all that surprising.