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Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:48 am
by SoCalHiker
Daria wrote:... I say if you wont get caught/get in trouble, do it.

In that case, I hope one day you will sit inside a small room all by yourself and have the opportunity to reflect on that statement...

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:56 am
by Marmaduke
SoCalHiker wrote:
Daria wrote:... I say if you wont get caught/get in trouble, do it.

In that case, I hope one day you will sit inside a small room all by yourself and have the opportunity to reflect on that statement...


Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:03 am
by Daria
mrchad9 wrote:We already know about Daria's covert nuclear power plant trespassing.


Actually, I didn't quite wear that..I wore this on the destined getting-poison-oak-all-over-my-body-hike:


It was a hot day and we stood under a stream of water and wet t-shirt was the end result. I think Neophiteat is trying to send the message that its time for a wet t-shirt contest. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sorry no frontal wet tshirt shots :D, I'm trying to take a more conservative approach to rule abiding, so the other females on SP will have to oblige :D

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:10 am
by mrchad9
LOL as if 9 pages in a day for this thread wasn't enough.

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:14 am
by mrchad9
Daria posts in a thread and Ryle logs in immediately. What happens next?

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:15 am
by Daria

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:17 am
by Daria
Wet t-shirt contest ain't never did no one no harm :P

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:47 am
by Daria
Wow, well that was a thread killer :D

You guys know now who to recruit in case you want an obnoxious thread to end :P

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:53 am
by Day Hiker
mattski wrote:what time is it in the usa you guys seem to be awake at fucked hours. is it just wake up time now?

Not sure if you're serious, but I'll answer anyway. Your post was at 02:58 on the U.S. west coast. Anyone still awake and on the Internet here is unemployed, a student, on crystal meth, or some combination of those three. Then there are others, like myself, who just woke up too fucking early.

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:11 pm
by CClaude
The Chief wrote:
Neophiteat48 wrote:So there isn't anyone here who can back up their statements and confirm they they obey each and every law on the books out there, never knowingly disobeying a single one?

Never speeding?yes i do
Never give an under 21 year old relative a sip of alcohol?no i don't
Never trespassed?no i don't
Never failed to come to a complete stop?wow, i have
Never cross the street except at crosswalks?a lot
Never voted twice in a recent election?NO- only dems do that
Never committed sodomy in Texas before the Supreme Court legalized it?sorry sir, i don't recall

Or any other laws? my wife and I "snuck" up the service elevator and thru the kitchen at the St Francis to the ballroom up top. Pretty cool up there at night, by ourselves gazing at the city

Your Post has nothing to do nor any relevance the ACCESS issues that prevail throughout the U.S.

That is a point that many I feel, do not get nor really seem to care about.

The difference here is flaunting it in a public forum. If it wasn't for GOOGLE or other search engines it probably wouldn't matter since no one would come across it. The moment you search "Shiprock" it comes up for everyone to see (ok, along with a hell of a lot of other pages).

I could care less if you break the law. If you get caught (more likely your cars tires slit for trespassing on Navajo land which I hear is common) its your own damn fault. Your decision, your consequences. If you post about it on the web, the consequences are no longer yours but the climbing community in general. More specificly the local community deals with it the most. Your action, other people get left dealing with the consequence. (This also pissed my off about the article in the climbing rags about illegal climbs in Red Rocks. It was written by guys from Seattle, without the input of the local Access Fund Coordinator who is the guy who will end up dealing with the fall out.)

If your desire is to do so, fine, but keep your DAMN MOUTH shut about it.

Oh yeah, since they often slit the tires of those trespassing when they come upon an empty car with the owners off climb on Navajo land, some of them really do care.

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:50 pm
by The Chief
Thanks CC!

The silence responsibility applies to us all, no exceptions.

A prime example of not thinking nor respecting the big picture, doing what one wishes then spraying their deed all over the net which ultimately resulted in stricter controls and restrictions for the rest of the community...

Nuff said...

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:18 pm
by Dow Williams
I love the new "thanks" button on SP....some like to hear them selves talk (write in this case) when in reality the same thing has been said 20 times in the same thread. So it is so much easier to just hit the Thanks button on the good ones. However....

I have cause to enter the fray, although I fought to not have to, to answer a repeated point...........those who keep asking why the Navajo Nation does not gate or fence Shiprock or other near and dear geographical locations relative to their culture/history? Please take a bit of time this morning to study the history and culture of the Navajo people.... after all, this is the "Internets" (sp). Gates and fences, in effect locking out their own populace, do not rank very high in respect to their belief system which in my opinion should be valued and honored.

If you climbed or want to climb Shiprock because you think it is remote and scary and you just don't know where to find such adventure because you have run out of ideas in the confines of San Francisco.....I am sure a trip to the vast Canadian Rockies where we have hundreds of sketchy routes (with way more objectionable hazard than what you experienced) at that grade (and many more at a higher grade if you really want to push yourself) or a visit to the eastern Sierra (must closer to SF) and let Rick find something to scare you with, will fit the bill. Once you have climbed about a 1000 like routes, then maybe it is time to be selfish and consider shitting on someone elses concerns.

There is so much to do and choose from people, that is much more remote and challenging than Shiprock. Why shit on others? and like Chuck (Claude) says, if you are going to do it....don't be so stupid to brag about the experience and demean the few Navajo members you met in a trip report.

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:36 pm
by Rob
Here's a guy who climbed it solo in a hour.

Shiprock history: ... ng-History

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:25 pm
by mrchad9
Dow that was yesterday. I am now very much against trespassing. :wink:

Re: A question.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:12 pm
by Franky
I went to Ship Rock before I knew how to climb, and that, along with half dome, were the two things I saw that inspired me to learn to climb. In all honesty, there is nothing tick worthy about ship rock. The climbing isn't so hard, and the runouts are dangerous but that is in no way unique. Any asshole knows there are more chossy and difficult things to climb, especially in the Canadian Rockies.

If the TR made it seem like we disrespected to Police officer who assumed I was a pot head because I had long hair and a California DL, and then proceded to search my car (probably illegally), then I'm sorry. The climb was exciting for me. The views are beautiful and nothing like them exists in the Canadian Rockies or anywhere else that I've ever seen in North America. For someone with a boatload of chossineering experience like Dow, the climb might not be anything exciting, but the routefinding and views are still unique.

This whole thing is a pretty ridiculous tempest in a teapot. Good luck climbing that peak with just the beta from my partner's TR by the way, you won't get off the ground!

I find most of the people who posted negatively about the TR to be overly judgmental and holier than thou. The few constructive comments are appreciated.