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Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2005 7:58 pm
by mfox79
Wolves man, wolves. For the first time about a week ago....touchy subject around here (Idaho/Wyoming) but no doubt about it, there is something about seeing one that sets off ones thrill center.

Lookin for more but they are elusive and rare.....

Big lost. I know that great thrill of the wolves in idaho, I have seen a few out in the soldier mountains this winter,
theres something kind of spookey and fantastic about the entire encounter

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:38 pm
by mrh
Ran into wolves last summer. It definitely turned the thrill switch to a level I didn't know I had. They seemed very unhappy at my presence and that really unnerved me. I later found out that I may have been near their den. There are now many wolves out there. Far more than being reported. Heck they are all through the foothills behind my house - a fairly populated area. Guy lost 3 hunting dogs last week. Last fall same guy lost 3 others. Actually many, many dogs have been taken in this area in the past 2 or 3 years.

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:51 am
by awagher
CW - that could have been me, I have been known to lick naked women who lay in their tents with the doors to go wash my bear costume for this summer. I prefer them without the noxema though - but can't be picky in the backwoods ---

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:56 am
by awagher
And the mouth wash - or at least some cheap chewing gum...Noxema tastes like caca...small price to pay. Who wants to borrow the bear suit???

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:28 am
by albertawind
My closest encounter was almost hitting a grizzly bear cub on my mountain bike! I was working as a backcountry ranger at Bowron Lake Provincial Park, North-Central BC, and for a few weeks I rode my bike from the town of Wells (where I lived) to the park headquarters - about an hour's ride each way. It was an early morning in June and I was about 3 km. from the park office. I hadn't seen a single vehicle or animal since leaving the township, which was still asleep in a cool mist 30km. behind me. Suddenly, and without warning, I heard a thrashing sound in the bush to the right of me that completely startled me. Expecting a moose, I braked carefully - aware of the loose gravel beneath my tires. Instead of the moose I had expected, a soaking wet grizzly darted out of the bush - moving incredibly fast - and disappeared into the dwarf willow on the other side of the road. My heart skipped a beat and it took a few seconds to fully understand what I had seen. Grizzly. Baby. Momma? I think I completed those last 3 km. to the office in about 30 seconds! Needless to say I was scared shitless on the ride home later in the evening.

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:24 am
by DharmaBum1984
While camping solo in the Sangre de Cristos last summer, I saw what I'm pretty sure was a mountain lion. I was getting ready to cook some dinner after a late night hike when I looked up to see two large yellow eyes reflected in my headlamp. They were not far off the ground and circling my camp. I know that cougars almost never attack humans, and that I had no reason to be freaked out,.. BUT I was alone and nearly shat myself. I decided not to cook any food that night...

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:32 pm
by keema
Close call albertawind. Reminds me of a time I was hiking in Joseph Grant Regional Park outside of San Jose. My brother in law and I were on a hillside looking down into a swale when along comes a mountain biker. We could also see and hear a rather large wild pig crashing through the brush. It looked like they were on a collision course. The pig burst out of the foliage and made a sharp left narrowly missing the bike by going behind it. When the biker got to us we commented on the close call with the pig and with a quizzical look he responded, "What pig?"

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:27 pm
by albertawind
Wasn't there another cougar attack in Alberta just this spring?

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:59 pm
by DharmaBum1984
Yikes. Good thing I didn't get eaten-although now I tend to think I was privileged to see him, rather than threatened.

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 2:39 am
by Diego SahagĂșn
On saturday I saw a beautiful <a href=//><b><i>European roe deer</i></b></a> while ascending Cabeza de Hierro Mayor by Loma del Empalotado, Madrid. He appeared in front of me at a distance of 10 m, so he ran away and rushed in the pinewood. I still hadn't taken my camera out of the backpack so I couldn't take a photo of him

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:25 am
by KathyW
just bears, big horn sheep, marmots, and chipmunks for me.

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:17 am
by Diego SahagĂșn
Just coming out home everyday I can see many Yetis in a big city as Madrid

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 2:25 pm
by keema
I unwittingly helped a squirrel commit suicide on Saturday. While driving through Fort Hunter-Liggett on my way to Junipero Serra Peak, I saw ahead of me a squirrel sitting still in the middle of my lane and looking sad and forlorn while all of the others were jumping and running out of the way. I lined my car up, plenty of clearance, so he would pass underneath safely. He still did not move as I got closer and quickly was out of my vision when he headed for the wheels and THUMP!! Suicide by driver.

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 4:55 pm
by awagher
wingding - LUCKY. Bighorn Sheep are on wish list. Maybe I am too loud.

P.S. I almost steped on a rattlesnake comming off of the Falls Road at the base of Baldy last week.

Re: Wich wild animals have you seen while hiking?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:00 pm
by Diggler
My favorite spots have been bears, marmots (I never tire of observing those things), pikas, mountain goats, & deer. In the early nineties I guess it was, my dad & I turned the corner in the trail where we were backpacking in Rocky Mtn Ntl Park. Crossing the trail was a full-sized male moose. I couldn't believe the size of that thing!! Don't reckon I'll ever forget that encounter.

socalmtnr- if you make it to Colorado, just drive up I-70 from Denver. Way easier to spot bighorn sheep (there are pullouts for viewing areas!) in the Rockies than in the Sierra.