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Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:30 am
by dskoon
Bob Sihler wrote:
TimmyC wrote:
Hotoven wrote:Wow Rainier Beer looks nasty. Reminds me of Miller Lite. Anyone try it?

Lastly, please don't start an east/west beer fight. We'll crush you.

Um, he didn't.

I hate to tell you this, but there are actually stores in the East that have beers from all over the country. They've helped me enjoy SummitPost for years! :lol:

As someone who has tried about all he can everywhere it comes from as long as it's made in the States, I'll concede that CA still leads the pack and Oregon is second. But Pennsylvania is third, followed by Colorado. And Michigan, of all places, is coming on strong. Washington microbrews are way overrated.

But I can't speak about that Rainier stuff. I'm a beer snob, and the only thing I drink from a can is Guinness.

Fire away! :wink:

Yeah, there are stores in the East that carry West-made beer. Thank God, I'm sure.
When I did a bicycle tour of New England once, I'd stop in some little general store every night and buy a local beer. They were alright, but, I think I finally resorted to drinking cider. :)

Rainier beer? It's ok. I probably wouldn't buy it now unless it's that hot afternoon when you've just done something strenuous and want to drink something light and fast, and you're in some little general store, and the choices are limited. But, I did drink my share of it around the campfire long ago whilst working in the fish canneries of Alaska. I rather enjoyed it, as it was cheap and had that lager-like taste. So, a special old fondness for Rainier beer. And the cool commercials.

Now, Bob, about you ranking Oregon second behind California, in tasty beer. :evil: C'mon, Bob. Deschutes, Nissaki, and Rogue just to name a few. I know, Cal's got their good ones too, but. . . better? Hrumph!

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:07 am
by 96avs01
dskoon wrote:Now, Bob, about you ranking Oregon second behind California, in tasty beer. :evil: C'mon, Bob. Deschutes, Nissaki, and Rogue just to name a few. I know, Cal's got their good ones too, but. . . better? Hrumph!

I assume you mean Ninkasi? Love their stuff and Deschutes, but find Rogue overrated. CA has too many for OR to handle, Russian River, Stone, Bear Republic, Green Flash, 21st Amendment, Sierra Nevada, Lost Coast, Andersen Valley, Port/Lost Abbey, Firestone Walker, Mendocino, ....

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:36 pm
by kozman18
Calfornia may have some great beers -- I admit to having only tried a few when I was out there (some good, some bad). But CA has 36+ million people -- it should be able to produce good beer, if only by sheer statistical weight. Pound for pound, Vermont and Oregon are on the top of the list. Great brews produced by small populations (if VT had CA's population, it would have over 1,000 microbreweries -- CA has 220+/-).

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:00 pm
by JasonH
96avs01 wrote: CA has too many for OR to handle, Russian River, Stone, Bear Republic, Green Flash, 21st Amendment, Sierra Nevada, Lost Coast, Andersen Valley, Port/Lost Abbey, Firestone Walker, Mendocino, ....

......Lagunitas, Eel River, Rubicon, Mount Saint Helena, Mammoth, Sudwerk........

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:26 pm
by TimmyC
Bob Sihler wrote: I'm a beer snob

You say that like it's a bad thing -- beer snobbery is the best thing to happen to the American brewing industry in the last hundred years. The major players (Anheuser-Busch, Miller Brewing, et al) are no longer able to sell exclusively on concept because the American palette is maturing enough that they actually want taste. Beer snobbery is what drove the innovation in the microbrewery revolution, it's what's driving the renaissance of small breweries on the east coast (and even up into the Canadian Maritime provinces), and it's what's creating awesome brewery towns outside of major population centers. Portland, Maine, is a better brew town than Boston? Really?! That's what the industry is saying, and I'm desperate to make a road trip to find out. The demand exists, and now the supply is starting to fill in. No one should ever have to apologize for liking good beer.

Regarding the beer fight, sorry, but it's Chekhov's rifle, man. IF beer is being discussed AND the participants of the discussion like beer THEN evitability of location-based beer preference turning to harsh words approaches zero. Even now, the battle lines are being drawn between my OR and CA neighbors. It's sad, and it's true, but it's fun to watch. Why fun? Because if you don't know all the breweries that are getting named, you get new ideas of things to try, and if you do, you get reminded of things you'll want to try again.

Last item: Look, hotoven, I promise I won't respond to your malformed arguments, I won't nitpick your grammar and punctuation, I won't address the fact that you use quotation marks for things that aren't quotations to support your arguments -- hell, I won't even start on that really odd syllogism about mud (whu...?) -- as long as you do one thing: man up and apologize for what you said about Rainier. Admit you've never tried it, admit that you've never even seen it out of the bottle and have no idea what color it is and, thus, have no basis for judgment.

You have an opportunity here, kid. You have an opportunity to show your fellow posters that you get it, that you know you picked a fight for no reason, that you understand you offended someone using a baseless claim, and that, sorry or not, you understand that you should make it right. Again, you don't have to be sorry, but acknowledging your error will demonstrate your understanding. Otherwise, you're just another statistic supporting John Gabriel's Greater Internet F#ckwad Theory.

I'm done, and I await your response.

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:32 pm
by mrchad9
In general Americans like their beer weak and watered down, though there are very limited exceptions. Not sure why, perhaps the Puritan history?

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:32 pm
by Hotoven
TimmyC wrote:Last item: Look, hotoven, I promise I won't respond to your malformed arguments, I won't nitpick your grammar and punctuation, I won't address the fact that you use quotation marks for things that aren't quotations to support your arguments -- hell, I won't even start on that really odd syllogism about mud (whu...?) -- as long as you do one thing: man up and apologize for what you said about Rainier. Admit you've never tried it, admit that you've never even seen it out of the bottle and have no idea what color it is and, thus, have no basis for judgment.

You have an opportunity here, kid. You have an opportunity to show your fellow posters that you get it, that you know you picked a fight for no reason, that you understand you offended someone using a baseless claim, and that, sorry or not, you understand that you should make it right. Again, you don't have to be sorry, but acknowledging your error will demonstrate your understanding. Otherwise, you're just another statistic supporting John Gabriel's Greater Internet F#ckwad Theory.

I'm done, and I await your response.

I admit I have never seen the beer out of the bottle, like I said; I was making judgments from the photo. If you expect me to apologies for this statement:

“Wow Rainier Beer looks nasty. Reminds me of Miller Lite. Anyone try it?”

You can forget about it. It was not an attack by any means, merely a statement of opinion bases on visual evidence. Hence the word “looks”.

There where quite a few posters who said the beer was distasteful and I’m surprised you did not mention them at all. I sense a strong prejudice against age (which was also brought up more then once in your bluster directed at me).

Your attack against me was totally unwarranted based upon my initial statement. I am appalled by your reaction from my statement, your ridicules assumptions made of me making a personal attack against the city of Seattle, and your close minded egotistical view of beer.

If anyone would make an apology it would need to be you for making those brass assumptions about me based solely from my first comment I made on Rainier Beer. No worries though, I don’t expect one, you would be ruining your stereotype as a prick.

Advice: Get outside and do more hiking/climbing and less bitching about youth. Climb Mt. Rainier then drink a Rainier and tell me which one is better. :D

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:55 pm
by mrchad9
zodis wrote:Who the hell cares?

TimmyC. He's wound up pretty tight about it.

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:04 pm
by TimmyC
Yup. Clearly I'm the one with issues. Oh well.

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:08 pm
by thespiffy
96avs01 wrote:
Bob Sihler wrote:And Michigan, of all places, is coming on strong.

Hellyeah, Bell's Hop Slam is damn tasty!

I've been drinking Two Hearted Ale lately, I believe it's a Bell's brew. I remember tasting it for the first time; "yum, this is pretty good-- hey where the hell is this from anyway? *squints at bottle* Michigan? Who knew?!" :shock:

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:28 pm
by Buz Groshong
TimmyC wrote:
Hotoven wrote:I'm sorry I hit a tender spot

You did, kiddo. You did. Your profile says you're twenty-two, so here's an important lesson that you can take with you for the rest of your life: never run down another man's beer, especially if you've never tasted or even seen it outside of a bottle in an ad. To many gents of a certain age, trash-talking their beer is like insulting their sports team or their sister. It's a very personal matter. Add in the geographic specificity of a product like Vitamin R, and them's fightin' words.

You've only been able to buy your own beer for what, like a year or so? Don't worry, eventually you'll grow a palette, and be able to make your beer decisions based on more than ABV-to-cost ratio.

Gawdamn kids...

You're only f*in 38! Who the hell do you think you are! :lol:

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:40 pm
by John Duffield
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this fine brew ha ha, given the thread title...


Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:59 pm
by Day Hiker
TimmyC wrote:here's an important lesson that you can take with you for the rest of your life: never run down another man's beer

Hahahahaha, just saw this. That HAS to be sarcasm!

Is this guy for real?

Dude, your beer SUCKS! :lol:

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:03 pm
by Lolli
TimmyC wrote:Yup. Clearly I'm the one with issues. Oh well.

Oh no, you aren't. Don't you think that for a moment.
I like your approach. To each his own.

Btw, you got some nice photos. I really liked that one with the lupines.

Re: Mt Everest in TV Commercial

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:10 pm
by mrchad9
Lolli wrote:
TimmyC wrote:Yup. Clearly I'm the one with issues. Oh well.

Oh no, you aren't. Don't you think that for a moment.
I like your approach. To each his own.

:lol: I guess not unexpected where Lolli landed on this issue, but I'm a little surprised she felt the need to tell everyone.