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PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:09 pm
by MoapaPk
Now that I recall, I once had a fellow vote 3/10 on one of my "jumping" profile pics. His rationale was that he was crippled, and my picture was demeaning to him. At that time, my profile did not disclose that I was also crippled; that event caused me to change my wording.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:15 pm
by Marmaduke
Since this has became a beer topic, about these, fitting with this website:
Lone Peak IPA,
Black Mountain Bitter,
Amnesia by Turtle Mountain Brewery,
First Ascent by Forbidden Peak Brewery and
Black Bear Ale by Smokey Mountain Brewery

I haven't had any of these but the names fit

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:20 pm
by MoapaPk
Neophiteat48 wrote:Since this has became a beer topic, about these, fitting with this website:
Lone Peak IPA,
Black Mountain Bitter,
Amnesia by Turtle Mountain Brewery,
First Ascent by Forbidden Peak Brewery and
Black Bear Ale by Smokey Mountain Brewery

I haven't had any of these but the names fit

All right!

I like the lighter-colored beers from microbreweries... the ones that taste like wheat, berries, anything but hops. I know this is sacrilege; but I just don't like beers that taste like fermented lawn clippings.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:00 am
by donhaller3
1. I do not care about pictures of llamas or moths but how about Mothra chicks? There is a surf guitar group song that warns us away from them.

2. Do not get emotionally involved with the contests or ratings. Yea, I know, but really. Give it your best shots and they will come. The only one I have that "won" anything was a p.o.t.hour that had NO votes. (And yet my Matterhorn (Oregon) from the west got few votes, you cretins.) The ineffable all is indeed inscrutable.

3. Warning: I intend to start posting again as I now have a digital slr that fits my old lenses, a functioning scanner and a new avid desire to flood the site with inane pictures, including but not limited to, flowers, bugs, butterflies, pretty chunks of large rockpiles and big holes in the ground, fungi, and my rare and pitiful summits.

4. I vote 10 or 0 cause that seems to be the only rational way to do it, and it seems to be what most people do. There are at least three different kinds of tens (10's. ): "Scenic" (macro to wide angle), "route/beta", and "preserve the moment". I cannot compete with the first category's heavy hitters, but so what? Humor is another category I guess.

5. Humor: Need more. (EG, "grizzly bear droppings contain bells and pieces of goretex coated fiber and reek of capstun...")

6. Lace up the boots. Don the pack. Shut up. Hike/climb. POST SOMETHING. Don't worry about the contests.

7. Send me original thoughts (I want just 1 before I die) and contributions to the Haller Retirement Fund.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:56 am
by Arthur Digbee
butitsadryheat wrote:Profile photos have always been excluded from the "off-topic" sweep, per a response in the past from an elf. Why is there a problem with someone putting anything they want as a profile image (as long as it doesn't involve copyright infringment)?

Agreed, profile images can be off-topic.

It's worth noting, however, that there are many examples of copyright infringement in profile pics, even among prominent members, without action being taken. This puts the owners of the site, and the elves, at legal risk.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:22 am
by Bob Sihler
MoapaPk wrote:Now that I recall, I once had a fellow vote 3/10 on one of my "jumping" profile pics. His rationale was that he was crippled, and my picture was demeaning to him.

I'd ask if you were making this up, but you're probably not.

You need some mandatory sensitivity training, sir.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:32 am
by MoapaPk
Bob Sihler wrote:
MoapaPk wrote:Now that I recall, I once had a fellow vote 3/10 on one of my "jumping" profile pics. His rationale was that he was crippled, and my picture was demeaning to him.

I'd ask if you were making this up, but you're probably not.

You need some mandatory sensitivity training, sir.

It's funny, I went back and checked, and the vote is gone... as is the member.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:04 am
by Marmaduke
Wow, the gloves are coming off. Like a famous or infamous SoCaler said. "canit we all just get along?"

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:11 am
by calebEOC
Here is something I will never understand, why do people state "dont vote on this"? What difference does it make if you're planning on deleting it anyway? If you dont want me voting 3/10 on your temporary or test pages then damnit dont threaten me with a dont vote on this!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:57 pm
by MoapaPk
I've expressed my opinions about votes on pics before... ... f-the.html

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:52 pm
by Kiefer
squishy wrote:
butitsadryheat wrote:
Not sure I could eat a cupcake with corned beef.

That was afterwords, silly...

:lol: :lol: That was awesome!
Made me day, squishy!