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The REAL date of the 10th Birthday of SP!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:10 pm
by isostatic
Bob Bolton wrote:Am I jumping the gun? Did I miss something? Did it slip through the cracks? The creators of SummitPost "joined" the site on March 9 and 10, 2001. I don't know when they would say the site was officially open for business, but regardless, it's now been 10 years since they joined, and that seems reason enough to take note. Are there any special events planned for the site to commemorate this milestone? Congratulations Josh and Ryle -- what an amazing thing you did! (Sorry if I jumped the gun)

Yes, you are jumping the gun!

The official birthdate of SummitPost is

March 19, 2001

- And how do I know?

I timed my joining to coincide with the 6th birthday of SP, four years ago!

In those days, history in the form of the old posts in the forums were all available, as well as Aaron's three-part history of SP!

Since then, the Elves seems to have been working like Winston Smith in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-four:

"At the Minitrue [Newspeak for Ministry of Truth], Winston Smith is an editor responsible for the historical revisionism concording the past to the Party's contemporary official version of the past; thus making the government of Oceania seem omniscient. As such, he perpetually rewrites records and alters photographs, rendering the deleted people as unpersons; the original document is incinerated in a memory hole."

:D :roll:

The oldest forum posts now available are from 2009, except for a few threads in Off-Route, which are still active, like BEER, started October 10, 2002.

Trying to find the age of SP by looking for the oldest member entry dates is not very accurate. That would give the age of SP to 2009+ years, as The Elves joined on 30th November, 0001!

However, now it is March 19, 2011 (at least in Europe), so now is the time to say

Happy Tenth Anniversary, SummitPost!

Re: Happy 10th Birthday SP!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:26 am
by lcarreau
FORGET the beer ! I think we should all celebrate with Pumpkin Pie and a quart of cold Milk. :D

