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Geomap & few suggestions

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:34 pm
by visentin
The other day, by playing with the Google geomap that appears when clicking on the coordinates of a mountain, I started to play a bit by adding few parameters to the URL, like the author ID, and an idea came to my mind : why not implementing a "geomap" that would be on each profile, in order to identify the "area(s) of action" of every SPer ?
This would be a sympathic way to get introduced to each other and find very quickly potential hike/climb partners.

While I sumbit this idea I'd like to tell about a little bug: I want to display on the geomap, around an area of 500 miles of radius, all peaks, but some of them are left from the 0'' parallel, some are right (my own example: I've got peaks in Scotland and some in the rest of Europe). The map is not centered as it should be on Europe, but in the middle of the Pacific, I guess because it takes the "average" parallel, but without taking into consideration in the calculations that parallel 0'' follows parallel 23''.

Another suggestion for SP, but I've made it some time ago. More and more hiking sites store the GPX files from GPSes. When will SP do that, in order to stick to the newest features and not take the risk of loosing ground with the other mountainering portals ?