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Picture size

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:32 pm
by nader
As you can see, someone sent me a message saying that he is unable to enlarge and read this map that I made on Summitpost:

At the time, I told him to check for "size" on the right upper side of the page, click on "original size" and the then "plus button". Now I see that the "size" option has been replaced with "view high resolution image". When I click on that and the subsequent plus sign/magnifier, the map is still too small to read. This true for this map as well:

I spent close to a year creating these maps and for the past decade people have told me that they have found them useful. Now they are useless. Please fix this problem, thanks.

Re: Picture size

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:02 pm
by Matt Miller
Noted. Given that the site was heading toward bankruptcy when I acquired it 3 months ago, I have been trying to save costs and bandwidth is a huge cost for SP with all of the large images it serves each day.

I attempted to pick a maximum resolution size that would be acceptable for most purposes (and minimize image size and thus bandwidth usage). I see that it doesn't work in this case. I will have to create a special "extra high" resolution case for images where greater than 1920px maximum width resolution is required (which is very rare). But I do see the value here in having such a thing. This (allowing over 1920px width images) will be something that is requested by the submitter and then approved. Thankfully I think this is a fairly rare case.

I will add it to our list of things to implement. I would expect to have it ready for production within a week.

Re: Picture size

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:42 pm
by nader
Thank you.

Re: Picture size

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:27 pm
by Matt Miller
OK, the maximum resolution on those two images you posted has been upgraded to allow for their full size to show when the "VIEW HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGE" link is clicked.

Feel free to let me know if there are other images that fall into the category of needing higher resolution than 1920px (the default) and I can alter those as well.

I'd rather not make it a user controlled feature because I fear that too many people would choose the option when it wasn't necessary. So for now, please post on the forum, PM me or PM the elves if you want any image to be shown in higher resolution than 1920px.