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Looking for all-season climbing partner in Tahoe area

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 5:11 pm
by jackderham
Hello all!

I am looking for a climbing partner for the whole season. I'm just reaching out to the whole community, hoping for some replies! I am looking to do mostly sport climbing, as that is what gear I have. But I am open to learning more about trad as well. I can lead 5.8 and hopefully my partner will be able to teach me some things. I learn quickly and progress quickly. I believe with the right partner, I will be leading 5.10 by late summer.

I live in Tahoe City and just want to get out there, have all the fun, laugh a lot, and climb hard. Hit me up if you're looking for a partner or if you're a group of three looking for a fourth. I have a rope.
