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Looking for Partner(s) from SE to climb Rainier

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:39 pm
by Jmoeesq
Ideally, I'd like to find at least 2 guys interested in going to Rainier with somewhat flexible schedules which could be adjusted for weather. It would be ideal if those interested lived closed enough to Western NC where I'm located that we could get together for some climbing before the trip to make sure our styles meshed. I say guys only b/c I'm married, and while my wife puts up with a lot with my climbing, I don't believe she'd approve of a trip to Rainier w/ another woman! :-) I say at least two additional partners because I found a rope team of only two people on Rainier the last time to feel a little riskier than I'd prefer. On a glacier or high on the DC, a slip by one in all likelihood would mean a fall by both in my opinion.

Let me know if there's any interest or questions.