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Trying to hit the trail again

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:43 am
by BearQueen
I have included my URL below from last year. That way, all of you wonderful people who wrote to me last year can write to me again.

I have had a horrible year ...I was starting to battle things last year enough to start hiking again in November...100 pds to lose (Still have that to lose)...but then as the year went on, I became more and more sick with one urinary infection after another (I have had over 40 to be exact...different recurrences of bacteria, and I have been through hell with the doctors...I have seen over 20 doctors to be exact. I have been to Infectious Disease, Urologists, and MANy compassionless doctors. They do not know what is causing the constant infections. It has been really hard and really horrible.) I went into remission about two months ago and then the infection and the pain came back and now I am suffering from it again. During this time over the past two years, I also battled an extreme case of Vertigo and an Inner Ear Virus called Labyrinthitis. I do not wish that on my worst enemy. I constantly felt that the room was spinning and that I was going to fall. Anyway, I battled that, but now I have another E Coli bladder infection (the bacterias keep changing...It has nothing to do with hygiene, but more that once one takes a lot of antibiotics...other bugs get it is a catch 22 and some of the infections become more resistant.) and I ask for any prayers...
During this amazing "EastKing" husband encouraged me to keep hiking, but I felt useless and overweight and I stopped hiking. I also got involved with a Choral Group that took up most of my time.
I have learned a lot through all of this suffering...Mostly, that the little things are important. And I have learned extreme humility. And I have learned to be a lot more appreciative of what I have. I could go on and on.
Mostly, I regret that I stopped hiking.
However, as a woman who has 100 pounds to lose, I did not know anybody who would want to hike with me.
Now, Greg and I do not have a car after me struggling with illness for so long and being unemployed and then having a car place take us for all we had and giving us a car with a bad transmission. So, it has been absolutely horrific to not be able to get in the car and go anywhere.
I ask for anyone who understands what it is like to be in constant and chronic pain and have Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia and other medical issues and want to go hiking. I am not interested in being an advanced hiker or climber like Greg. I am really just interested in being myself and getting into the outdoors.

I am very slow and need someone who is EXTREMELY patient, but I am hoing to find some people I can small hikes with. Please let me know if you are interested.

Regardless, I am interested in being more of a mainstay on the site and it is good to be back, but I am sad now that I waited so long.
When you are overweight like I am, you tend to feel that you are not good enough and if you grew up in a family that told you that, it is even harder.
Anyway, I would love to prove them wrong and start hiking again (Very small, rinky dink stuff like Table Mountain, Winchester, McClausland, Tiger, High Rock, etc. ) so if there is any woman interested, please let me know.
I am definitely all for paying gas money if anyone ever wants to give me a ride.

Re: Trying to hit the trail again

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:39 am
by billisfree
Hiking or any other excercise alone, isn't going to help you lose weight.

You have to become a calorie counter. It's no fun, but it works.