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Cordillera Blanca in May? Huascaran vs Toc

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:43 pm
by Woodie Hopper

I'm new to Peru, but not to other Andean peaks.

I'm considering heading to the CB next May, but understand this is the shoulder season for the bigger peaks. If someone could give me their opinion tackling Huascaran vs Tocllaraju mid/late May I'd appreciate it. Also I know a little bit about Casa de Guias and Skyline, if anyone would give me a guide recommendation I would also appreciate it. I'm considering Pisco->Huascaran vs Ishinca Valley: Urus->Ishinca->Toc + something else.

I understand using a guide service is required and might consider a non-private trip depending on partner experience/level of intensity. My alternative plan is an unguided Denali expedition.

Thanks in advance.
