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Patagonia Trip In The Works

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:49 pm
by Dave Daly
I tried tracking down the old thread i had posted on preparing for a trip to Patagonia but couldn't find it. Anyway....

Deb and I are planning a trip to Patagonia and hope to get the most of trekking the region. And since I can only get 2 weeks vacation (plus or minus 2 or 3 days), we thought a guide service would keep us on track for the time we're there. Ultimately, we want our experience unique and without the burden of others groups along with us. I don''t think we would mind a small group (six max).

Here's what we're looking for from a guide service (any advise or resource is wanted!):

-Minimal time spent on a bus! : P
-Stay away from "couch potato" touring groups and spend more time trekking and some moderate mountaineering, maybe even some techical climbing.
-We still want to carry our own packs but would like the service to do all the other thankless duties (cooks, portage extra gear etc)
-Hopefully, a guide service that will cover everything. Meaning, plane fare, transfer fees, reciprocity fees, extra amenities)

Americian based guide service is prefered but we're still open for Argentine based (and certified) guide service. We plan on flying ot Buenos Aires, then board a plane to El Calafate and head out to the Torres Del Paine area.

Thoughts? Links? Sources?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:21 pm
by CharlesD
Don't you mean Patagucci? :wink:

Sorry, I have nothing useful to add.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:02 pm
by Diggler
The last 10 or so pages of Climbing have advertisements for various tour operators, Patagonia included. Check it out & call some of them. Google the Benegas bros.