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Sad Demise Safdar Butt Former President Alpine Club Pakistan

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:21 pm
by Karrar Haidri
:( It is informed with sorrow that Lieutenant General (Retired)Ghulam Safdar Butt Founding Member Founder Secretary General and Former President Alpine Club of Pakistan expired in Lahore on 01 May 2006 after a brief illness at the age of 78.
He was buried at Lahore the same evening May God Bless his soul in eternal peace in the Heavens.
Late General G S Butt was the main motivating force in the establishment of Alpine Club of Pakistan in 1974 and was its first Secretary General till 1979.He remained actively involved in the ACP for a long time in the various capacities including its
3rd (1993-94) President .An active climber he started his mountaineering career as Liaison with American K-2 Expedition in 1953.