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Climbing in China forum

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:16 am
by cosmin
A climber planning a trip to or arriving in China is faced with two problems: a huge country with a huge deficit of centralized information on climbing available in English. There are some websites, there are some forums where one can gather information from but finding these is a daunting task and invariably, the lucky ones, arrive for a week or two in Yangshuo.

It is true that Yangshuo might seem the capital of sport climbing in China but is not by far the only place to go climbing. Yet, I meet every time people living here for over a year who have no idea about other crags, even if they are one hour drive away or climbing walls next door.

This is the reason I started this forum.

I know the address is not easy to remember, I know there should be a website going with it but one step at the time. I thought that the priority is the flow of information and I would be most grateful if you chose to register and to contribute so we have one place where we can get what we all need: as much information as possible about climbing in China.

Have you climbed in China? Please register and share your information.
Do you plan on climbing in China? Please register and ask for the information you need.
Please pass this link onto anyone interested.

The address is:

Thank you!

Cosmin Andron

Re: Climbing in China forum

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:17 am
by mh
cosmin wrote:This is the reason I started this forum.

The address is:

i am all for it cosmin!