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"The Cloud Tower" - trying to find the first ascen

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:08 pm
by matthewtraver

A couple years ago I watched a documentary about about a team climbing a large (1000ft) limestone tower - I rise from amidst a dense rainforest (Indonesia?) and required a few days trek to get to. I am wondering if anybody knows what I am talking about? If so, do you have any information on the ascent and particularly the names of the ascentionist? I am looking to get a hold of them.

Any information or advice regarding the Tower or general comments of other long jungle/adventure routes (besides Tioman and Lowe's Gully Wall - Kinabalu) that you know of it would be greatly appreciated.


Matt Traver

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:07 pm
by Damien Gildea
Probably Batu Lawi in Borneo/Sumatra. Australians Ian Williams, Peter Treseder and some others climbed it some years back (late 80s or early 90s). They learned though that it was not the FA. I think Sam Lightner Jr may also have been in there more recently. From memory they are very large sharp limestone blades, but Batu Lawi was more of a tower.


PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:23 pm
by matthewtraver
Excellent! Thanks alot, very helpful.

You wouldn't happen to have an e-mail address for them, would you? I have scoured the net and come up with nothing.

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:40 am
by Damien Gildea
Try Ian Brown (not 'Williams', my bad) on: