Pico or Picu Cotalba
Pico Cotalba is a very popular peak, from a well marked path from the beautiful lakes of Covadonga the trail head to the Vega Redonda refuge (1420 mts / 4658 ft), the refuge is in a strategic position to ascent more peaks in the surrounded areas, and as approach to the spectacular Mirador de Ordiales (1742 m / 5715 ft).
Mirador de Ordiales “Delighted kingdom of chamois and eagles”, is the place of the eternal rest of Pedro Pidal, Marquis of Villaviciosa and pionner of the first national parks in Spain.
Getting There
By the route to the Covadonga lakes, in the first lake Enol take the right hand path with the sign “refugio/bar” direct to Refuge Vega de Enol. 3 kms forward is the parking area Vega del Huerto.
Go to Vega de la Piedra to the well marked path (P.R.) to Collado Gamonal, then to Refuge Vegarredonda. Follow the trail mark “yellow/white” to finish Ordiales Hut, 10 more minutes to Mirador de Ordiales or searching the tiny trail to the south-east.
In a particular formation cleft in the rock change the direction to the North-West. However this final part is confused, is possible to climb direct in the rock, I climb all the cresta in an easy rock climb (I, II) from Mirador de Ordiales to the summit.
Access is for free, there is huts and refuge to your convenience. Camping is allowed only over 2000 mts/6561 feet after 6pm. But really I camp there many times in hiden bush around 1300 mts. Try to don't leave marks.
Viewed from Mirador de Ordiales Partial view from the Picu Cotalba summit to the National Park Picos de Europa External Links
The bible of mountains (in spanish)
Picos de Europa oficial site
Picos de Europa Wikipedia
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