To Saint Barthélemy Valley, by emilius
Getting There
By car:
- From TORINO, MILANO, etc: Motorway A5. Exit at IVREA or Quincinetto (PIEDMONT).
From IVREA Town: in West (Southern side) to Pont Saint Martin, Verrès, Châtillon, Nus, Aosta in West and to Gignod, Valpelline, Oyace and Bionaz Municipalities in Northeast from Aosta Town. From Courmayeur Resort: in East-southeast (Norheastern side) to Aosta, Gignod, Valpelline, Oyace, Bionaz Municipalities in Northeast and to Nus, Châtillon, Verrès, Pont Saint Martin Communes to South-southeast.
- Northeastern Side: From Valpelline towards Valpelline Valley From Valpelline (580m), with Regional Road, to Oyace Commune (1.316-1.377m); from this to Northern and Southern Vallons (Brison, Crête Sèche, Vertsan, Comba be la Tsa, Comba du Grand Chamin, Comba des Lacs and Comba d'Orein up to the entrance on Petite/Grande Murailles/Valpelline Hill Vallon. From Oyace (1.377m), with R.R., to Bionaz Commune (1.612m) and Places Moulin artificial Dam (1.970/80m) and Northern and Southern Vallons (Bella Tsa, Combes de Valcornière, Livourneaz, Montagnayes; Vessonaz, Verdonaz, Vieille, Verdzignolaz, Arpisson, Gran Comba and Roisan-Praperiaz Basin.
- Southern Sides: From Nus, Châtillon, Verrès, Pont Saint Martin Municipalities towards Saint Barthélemy, Valtournanche, Val d'Ayas and Gressoney Valleys
- From Nus (960m), with Regional Road, to Lignan-Saint Barthélemy Municipality; from this, through various dirt roads and numerous paths, (1.628m) up to the Becca de Luseney (Luca Reboulaz Bivouac (2.575m neighbor the Luseney Lake), Livourneaz Pass 2.840m and Cian Fenêtre (2.736m)). From Châtillon (549m), with Regional Road, to Valtournanche and Breuil Cervinia Municipalities (2.004m); from this, through paths in West, to Tsan Bivouac, Lake (2.489m, 2.441m), Cignana Lake (2.149m) or, through dirt road and paths more in East, to Gran Sometta (3.166m). From Verrès (549m), with Regional Road, to Champoluc and Saint Jacques Communes (1.697m); from these, path in West, to Grand Tournalin Refuge (2.544m). From shelter, through path in North, to Mont Brun (2.895m); also in valley floor to Lake Bleu (2.211m) and in East to Pinter Pass (2.776m). From Pont Saint Martin (345m), with Regional Road in Gressoney Valley, to Gressoney La Trinitè (1.468m); from this, through dirt roads and paths in East, up to the Upper Bettolina Pass (3.058m); also in West to Gabiet Loch (2.363m) and from this, with path, to Corno del Camoscio (3.026m).
- From FRANCE: through the Mont Blanc Tunnel to Entrèves-crossroads to Vény/Ferret Valleys - Courmayeur. By Little Saint Bernard Pass, closed since November until half May to La Thuile Valley - Pré Saint Didier - Courmayeur. It is not necessary to take Motorway A5: you can drive on SR.26, in the direction of AOSTA - IVREA - TURIN.
By plane:
- Aeroporto "Corrado Gex" Saint Christophe (Aosta).
Towards Valpelline, Buthier Torrent & Places Moulin Dam
Valpelline. It reaches from Valpelline (960m), Oyace (1.377m), Bionaz (1.612m) Municipalities.
Northeast Side (From Valpelline-Arsines to Places Moulin Dam at the beginning of Valpelline Upper Valley)
"From Places Moulin Dam to Valpelline", by sarme
^^^^^^^1) - Minimum Route n° 1: from Valpelline-Semon (+;
1.061m) to Chez la Ville Village, forks
1.525, 1.700 meters along Brison Torrent, Gay Alp
(1.721m), Arsines Alps (
E; 2h'30/2h'40; source).
Little Variant: from Valpelline to Fressionaz Dessous
(1.150m) Fraction, with Main Road to Ollomont; from this, path in East-Northeast, through Plan Coudray Wood, to fork
1.440 meters and, path direct in North, to Arsines (
E; 2h'15), below Pointe Sereina
2) - Basic Itinerary n° 1: from Semon, Chez la Ville, with path in North, towards Bas Brison (1.545m), Dzone Zoon (1.695m) small Villages to Brison l'Arp (2.195m; F+; 3h'15/3h'30), below Mont Berrio (3.077m)/Punta Fiorio (3.332m).
3) - Exceptional Route n° 1: from Semon, Brison l'Arp, crossing Brison Torrent in homonym Comba, to Brison or Breuson Pass (2.194m; F+; 3h'45/4h'00), between Pointes d'Ollomont (2.721m)/Mont Faceballa (+; .516m); descent West possibility to Berrio Damon Alp (1.982m) in Berrio Comba, above Ollomont (classic local crossing for inhabitants).
4) - Minimum Route n° 2 and Variant n° 1: from Oyace-Saint Michel Commune (1.316m), with path in North, towards Sergnan (+; 1.385m) Village, fork 1.467 meters to dirt road, Peson Alpage (1.661m; T; 1h'30/1h'40), neighbor Varère Torrent and below Pointe Fiorio (3.332)/Mont Clapier (3.427m)/Central Mont Morion (3.505m) great mountain range. Little Variant n° 1: from Saint Michel Fraction, with dirt road in Northeast towards Crétaz, Gallian, Sergnan (+; 1.385m)/Chez les Bredy, Close (1.457m) Villages to Peson Alp (T; 1h'20), near Varére Torrent and below Mont Morion.
"Towards Crête Séche Vallon", by Gabriele RothV
^^^^^^^5) - Minimum Route n° 3: from Oyace
(1.377m) or Bionaz
(1.612m), by Regional Road to Dzovenno Hamlet
(1.587-1.599m); continue North on Municipal Road to Chez les Rey
(1.641m) and Ru or Ruz (Brook) Hamlets (
1.700m; great parking; fountain; toilettes). From this, with dirt road in North, before to Primo Pasture
(1.857m); after, crossing Moulin Torrent in windings road
(forks 2.074m, 2.087m), to Berrier various Alpages (
2.167m, 2.187m, 2.197m; source neighbor Vertsan Torrent;
T/E; 2h'00/2h'15), below Mont de Crête Sèche
(2.941m)/Mont de Charmontane
6) - Basic Itinerary n° 2 with Eastern Variants: from Dzovenno to Ruz Village (1.700m) with Municipal Road; from this last towards Primo Pasture, through dirt road with old path-muletrack concomitant to alternative 1.950 meters around. With path on wooded promontory directly in North-northwest to Berrio di Governo (Gouvernement isolated Boulder) and, through short diagonal North-northwest, to following Crête Sèche Refuge (2.389m; E/F; 2h'45/3h'00. Eastern Variants: or with path more in East from a) - alternative 2.074 meters on dirt road to fork (2.249m; source into a slab); also from b) - Berrier Alps, with long diagonal path in West to source 2.249 meters, Berrio di Governo, shelter.
"Crête Sèche Refuge", by Antonio
^^^^^^^7) - Exceptional Route n° 2: from Crête Sèche Refuge, in East along Crête Sèche Torrent and crossing the same in final part, to Franco Spataro Bivouac (
0h'45/1h'00), below Arolletta small Range; from this in North towards Plan de la Sabbla to Crête Sèche Pass (
EE/F+; 1h'20/1h'40 from bivouac;
5h'00/6h'00 from Ruz Village).
8) - Variant n° 2: from a) - Crête Sèche Refuge, through path in North along thetorrent, also from b) - Spataro Bivouac, with small path in Plan de la Sabbla (Sand Tableland) and crossing the torrent in altitude around 2.650/70 meters, with East direction towards Plateau de Crête Sèche in quota 2.917 meters; progressively tourning South, through snowfields, debris, steep moraines in initial part and rotten blocks on terminal to Berlon Pass (3.009m; M; 3h'15/3h'30 from shelter; 2h'30/2h'45 from bivouac), between Pic de Chardonney (3.284m)/Mont Berlon (3.132m).
"Plateau de Crête Sèche above homonym Vallon", by emilius
^^^^^^^9) - Basic Itinerary n° 3: from Bionaz to alternative
1.703 metres, near Chez les Chenaux Village by Regional Road; from fork, through path in Northeast, to Chanlon Pasture (1951m). Continue decisively in North to La Tsa (
2.245m; source) and Marmottin
(2.338m) Alpages; through path always North reach Luseney
(2.489/95m) Alp, below Mont Charmontane
(2.894m)/Tsa Tower
(3.071m)/Marmottin Pass
(2.761m)/Mont de la Tsa
(2.738m) in a hemi circular range.
10) - Minimum Route n° 4: from Bionaz Municipality, with Regional Road, to Ferrère (1.687m) small Village, alternative 1.642 meters to Chami(e)n Hamlet (+; 1.714m); from this, through dirt farms road towards fork 1.984 meters and crossing on bridge Grand Chamin Torrent, to Grand Chamin Pastures (2.010-2.023m; source; E/F; 1h'30/1h'45).
11) - Basic Itinerary n° 4: from Chamin Village neighbor Déré le Melet Alpage (1.690m), through dirt road in North, along the very old path (after the construnction of road, now in ruins completely covered with wild vegetation, altogether and fully abandoned) and easily crossing the Grand Chamin Torrent, to Grand Chamin Pasture (2.010m; source 2.023m); continue North towards Crottes Alp (2.183-92m) up to the fork 2.292 meters, below Berger de la Sassa (Rocky Shepherd above the walloon; 2.772m). From this, tourning East-northeast, with small path before along the moraines neighbor torrent, after on edge of the same over the Sassa Torrent, through a more steep terminal part on lateral right (North) moraine of the Oriental Glacier, to Ceresa/Sassa Bivouac (2.973m; M+; 6h'15/6h'30; water source about 100 meters to Northeast), sited on a rocky promontory underlying the large glacial basin formed by Becca Labié (3.463m)/Becca de la Sassa (3.497m)/Pointe de la Bouetta (3.540m)/Little Becca Blanchen (3.591m)/Grand Becca Blanchen (3.679m)/Sassa Pass (3.256m)/Becca des Lacs (3.470m)/Nez (Nose) Bovet (about 3.330m)/Mont Rouge or Becca Bovet (3.443m).
"Sassa-Stefano Ceresa Bivouac in Chamin/Sassa Vallon", by Emilio Bertona aka emilius
12) - Variant n° 3: with Main Road to Places Moulin (1.970/80m; parking under the front of great Dam); from this towards fork 2.101 meters, path in North, towards Mea (2.320m), Setive (2.446m) to Plan Vauon (2.578m) Alps; from this last, with path in East, to a) - Lakes du Mont Rouge and Têtes (2.628m), below Punta Balliano (2.791m)/Pointe Ollietti (2.981m). Changing direction in Northeast, to Loch Long (2.720m); also b) - from Plan Vauon Alp directly continue in North to the same last lake. From Lake Long, with short path in North, briefly to to Lac Mort (Death; 2.843m; M+/D-; 3h'30/3h'45), in center of Basin of Lakes and below the semicircular range P. Balliano/Punta Ollietti/Pointe Marguerettaz (3.146m)/Pointe Nourissat (3.320m)/Becca Bovet of Mount Rouge (3.443m)/Nez Bovet (3.330m)/Becca des Lacs (3.470m)/Aiguilles Rouges des Lacs (3.460m)/Aiguille Blanche (3.440m)/Pointe Gerlach (3.003m) in Comba des Lacs.
13) - Basic Itinerary n° 5: from Places Moulin, through dirt road in North, towards forks 2.075m, 2.101 meters, Grésime (2.128m), Pessaou (2.117m; source) small wooden footbridge 2.116 meters on secondary torrent; from this point, with path, towards Low Orein Wood, Bas Orein (2.140m) Alpages. (* Variant: also from parking, through lower path along North shore to Novailloz Alp nearby La Lé Chapel (+; 1.988m) at the end of dam). Leaving East-southeast the path to Prarayer Refuge, continue in North towards Praz Modzon Damon (2.153m), Grand Orein (2.165m), Garda (2.216m; source) Alpages to Grand Place (morainic tableland) reaching, over Orein Torrent, the little Orein Lake (2.460m), under the same. Doubling West the promontory 2.721 meters to fork 2.510 meters and, path in Northeast along the Collon Torrent, to following rocky promontory with Nacamuli Refuge/Col Collon Bivouac (2.828m, 2.816m; D; 3h'30/4h'00).
"To Collon Pass & Vierge in Collon Vallon", by archiloco
^^^^^^^South Side (from Prarayer Refuge-Bella Tsa Vallon to Becca of Roisan-Praperia small Basin)
"From Place Moulin Dam", by Corvus
^^^^^^^14) - Basic Itinerary n° 6: from Places Moulin
(1.980m), with dirt route or through paths both in East and along Northern Shore of Dam, Prarayer Refuge (
E/F; 2h'00/2h'15; source ) nearby Praz Raye Alp
(2.021m), Grand Plan Pasture
(2.027m), alternative
2.067 meters (in North to Refuge Aosta), Gorge
(2.154m), Deré la Vieille
(2.254m) Alpages to Bella Tsa Alp (2474m;
E/F+; 2h'30/3h'00), below Petites Murailles and Chateau des Dames Glaciers.
15) - Basic Itinerary n° 7: from Places Moulin towards Northern Shore of Dam, Prarayer Refuge, small bridge on Valpelline Buthier Torrent neighbor Praz Raye (2.021m), Plan de l'Arp (1.969m), Valconière Pasture (2.170m; source), at the entrance of homonym vallon and with path along the torrent, to Chardonney Alp (2.364m; EE/F+; 2h'45/3h'00), below Valcornière Pass (3.075m)/Dome de Cian (3.348m) and between Dome/Chavacour/Mont Redessau Glaciers.
16) - Variant n° 4: from Places Moulin parking towards Northern Shore of Dam to Prarayer Refuge at the end of the same; from shelter, through a small wooden bridge on Valpelline Buthier Torrent near and in East of Praz Raye (2.021m) and towards Plan de Prie Wood, Plan de l'Arp (1.969m), Mont Charvin Wood, above Southern shore of dam to Cote de Livourneaz, Lake (2.375m) at the entrance of homonym vallon. Continue in South on walloon floor to Tsa (Upper) de Livourneaz Alp (2.414m; EE/F+; 3h'45/4h'00), below Cima Livournea(z) (3.286m)/Pass (2.841m) and Glacier.
17) - Basic Itinerary n° 8: from Bionaz to Ferrère with Main Road; from this, through Municipal to Puillayes (+; 1.622m). Towards l'Invers de Puillayes Wood, fork near Bachal Pasture (1.899m), sources 1.930, 1.974 meters, Arp Damon (2.019m), near Forest Rangers Bivouac, along Montagnayes Torrent to Tsa de Couloz-Aquelou-Avoley Alps (2.187m, 2.382m; EE/F+; 3h'45/4h'15, below Montagnayes Pass (2.903m)/Becca del Merlo (3.297m)/Cima Franco Nebbia.
"From North to Mont Faroma at the end of Comba Vessona(z)", by emilius
^^^^^^^18) - Minimum Route n° 5: from Oyace-Close
(1.457m), towards Betendaz
(1.356m), small bridge on Valpelline Buthier Torrent, Primaz
(1.410m) to Clos Pastures (
E/F; 3h '15/3h '45), at the entrance of Vessona(z) Comba.
19) - Basic Itinerary n° 9: from Oyace, before with Main Road to Close Pasture (1.457m); after, through path Alta Via number 1 towards Betendaz (1.356m), Primaz (1.410m), Clos Pastures (1.525m) to Arp Nouva (1.791m) and Arp Vieille (1.944m) Alpages. From this, through path along Vessonaz Torrent, to Ardamun Damon Alp (Upper; 2.207m; EE/F+; 4h '15/4h '30), below Mont Pisonet (3.207m)/Vessona Pass (2.788m)/Mont Faroma (3.070m), in high Comba Vessona.
20) - Minimum Route n° 6: from Oyace-Voisinal (1.309m), Grenier, Vernoce Villages (1.257m), Fontaine (1.243m) to Verdona(z) Pastures (1.617m E/F; 1h'15/1h'30), below Becca de Nona (2.898m) and Little Becca of Nona (2.842m).
21) - Basic Itinerary n° 10: from Voisinal, Grenier, Vernoce (1.257m), Villages or little Fractions neighbor Oyace Commune (1.377m), through short in asphalt Municipal Roads and path in South towards Fontaine, Verdona Pastures, Broiller Alp (1.889m), unnamed alpage (2.141m) and Tsavanne Alp (2.165m) to Tsa de Verdona Alp (2.317m E/F; 4h'30/5h'00), below Vamea Pass (2.591m)/Gran Coutà (2.862m)/Saint Barthélemy Hill (2.646m) in Comba Verdona(z).
"Verdzignola and Arpisson Vallons", by Emilio Bertona
22) - Basic Itinerary n° 11: from Valpelline Center or from Les Ansermin-Gont, through Municipal Road, towards two small bridges 942m, 999 meters to Montcorvé Village (1.028m), cross 1.100 meters, Verdzignolettaz (1.379m; source), Chez-Charvin (1.408m), Curtellet (1.594m), Verdzignolaz (1.952m) Pastures to unnamed alp (2.056m; E/F; 4h'00/4h'30), below Arpeyssaou Pass (2.492m; near Lière Bivouac 2.423m; source)/Becca Conge (2.957m)/Fouillou Hill (2.437m).
23) - Basic Itinerary n° 12: from Valpelline-Prailles/Ville Grand Combin (965m), crossing the small bridge up Valpelline Buthier and through path, to Roncéaz Pasture (1.095m), fork 1.475 meters with dirt farms road from Grangette Dèsott, Planes (1.512m), Verney (1.730m), Arpisson (1.838m), Porillon-Alpe-Neuve (2.016m) to Pouillou Alpages (+; 2.087-92m; E/F; 4h'00/4h'30), below Becca Novailloz or Noail (2.587m)/Fouillou Hill/Senevé (2.928m)/Tête d'Arpisson (2.856m).
24) - Basic Itinerary n° 13: from Valpelline-Prailles/Ville Grand Combin, small bridge up Valpelline Buthier and through path, to Roncéaz Pasture, fork 1.475 meters with dirt road, Planes, Verney, Chanté de Meye (1.854m; source), crossing Arpisson, Val Freida and Gran Comba Walloons, to Rovon (1.744m) Alpages, Prapéria(z) Alps (1.737m; EE/F+; 3h'30/3h'45), below Becca di Roisan (2.546m)/Becca di Blavy (2.582m)/Becca di Viou (2.856m) Southern watershed.
"From Northwest to Mont Faroma/Becca of Roisan Northern Vallons", by emilius
^^^^^^^25) - Variant n° 5 with Minimum Route n° 8: from Valpelline-Prailles/Ville Grand Combin
(965m), crossing the small bridge
942 meters up Valpelline Buthier and through path, to Roncéaz Pasture
(1.095m); from this in Southwest towards the Envers Wood, Grangette Dèsott
(1.427m), following fork to Grangette Damon, Billiouque Damon, Dèsott (
1.613m, 1.557m;
E; 2h'45/3h'15), crossing Billiouque Forest to Gran Comba, below Becca di Roisan Northwestern slopes.
26) - Minimum Route n° 7: from Roisan Commune-Crétaz (905m), through dirt road, to Champvillair (902m), winding road above Baravex (884m), Bérrio Némoz (1.141m) Pastures to Blavy lttle Hamlet (+; 1.471m; fountain; T/E; 2h'45/3h'15), below small range from Becca of Roisan/Becca of Blavy (2.546m)/Becca of Viou Western watershed. 27 - Exceptional Route n° 3: from Praperia(z) Alp (***important and useful ENDORSEMENT can also be reached from the Village of Blavy (1.475m) above the Communes of Roisan and Aosta via a detour from the farms dirt private road to the Alpages of Viou), with path into forest to Becca of Roisan and through moraines and blocks in more steep terminal part on Southwest Slope (EE/M+; 3h'20/3h'40 from ancient alpage; 4h'30/4h'40 from Blavy Village).
"Finally", by mar.ali
Saint Barthélemy Valley with Astronomical Observatory & Luseney Becca
Saint Barthélemy Valley. It reaches from Nus (960m) Municipality.
Northeastern Side (from Monte Faroma to Becca of Luseney Groups)
"From Tsaat à l'Etsena to Comba Dèche & Luseney Becca", by Osw
^^^^^^^1) - Basic Itinerary n° 1: from Effraz, Valservière
(1.502m), Arliod
(1.554m) small Villages, Les Rencores
(1.700m) Pasture, through Municipal Road, and to Brevaz
(1.835m), Fontin Alpages, through private dirt road and path (
2.003m; E/F+;
2h'15/2h'30), below Mont Grand Pays
(2.624m)/Becca d'Aveuille
(2.623m) Southeastern and Eastern slopes.
2) - Exceptional Route n° 1: from Fontin, through path and crossing two small secondary torrents in homonym Comba, to Collet Alp and Pass (2.251m, 2.500m) through Soutern slope and on North-northwest Crest to Becca of Aveuille North Antesummit (about 2.575/80m; * from this point it is best to remove the snowshoes continuing trough the rocks on edge of the crest), Summit (D+; 3h'45/4h '00; 6h'15/6h '30 from Effraz), at the end of watershed.
"From Northern Antesummit to Becca d'Aveuille", by Marco Cossard "Crevassino"
^^^^^^^3) - Minimum Route n° 1: from Effraz, Brevaz, Pleoles Dèsott Pasture
(1.789m), through dirt road and path, or from Fontin Alp, with path, to Léchy Alp (
E/F; 1h'45/2h '00 from alpages;
4h'00/4h'15 from Effraz Hamlet).
4) - Minimum Route n° 2: from Clémensod Village (1.655m), through path in Northwest along Chavalary Torrent, towards Pléo(u)les Désott, Damon (1.898m) to Chaleby Alp, through dirt road and paths (1.952m T/E; 1h'00/1h'15).
"From East to Becca d'Aveuille & Grand Pays", by Antonio
^^^^^^^5) - Basic Itinerary n° 2: from Effraz, with preceding routes throuh dirt roads and paths to Brevaz and Fontin Alpages, or from Clémensod
(1.655m) Villages, through path in Northwest crossing twice Chavalary Torrent, towards Pleoles or Pléoules Dèsott Pasture to Léchy Alp and Hill (
E/F+; 5h'30/6h'00), below Mont Faroma
6) - Exceptional Route n° 2: from Léchy Hill, between Mont Faroma/Grand Pays, easily to Mount Grand Pays, through Northern Slope and North Crest (2.585m; EE/F+; 0h'30 from hill; 6h'00/6h'15 from Effraz or Clémensod Hamlets).
"Chaleby Hill & Mount Faroma", by p-mike
^^^^^^^7) - Basic Itinerary n° 3: from Effraz or from Clémensod
(1.655m) Villages, with previous routes, towards Chaleby
(1.952m), Champanement
(2.330m) Alps through dirt road and, with path before in North to fork
2.450 meters aroud and after in East-southeast on Haute Route number 1 to Plan Piscine
(2.544m) just before Chaleby Hill (
E/F+; 5h'45/6h'00), between Becca Fontaney
(2.971m)/Salvé Hill
(2.569). The both hills at the entrance of Cuney Basin.
8) - Basic Itinerary n° 4: from Lignan (+; 1.633m; fountain; Astronomical Observatory), through path in North-northeast, towards Saguignod Hamlet (1.699m), Place Damon (1.910m), Fontane (2.087m), Tsa de Fontaney (2.307m) upper Alpages to Salvé Hill (2.569m; E/F+; 5h'30/5h'45), between Chaleby Hill/Mont Morion and to Cuney Sanctuary.
"Mont Faroma Southeastern Comba above Lignan Hamlet", by emilius
^^^^^^^9) - Variant n° 1: from Tsa de Fontaney in West to Coteau (Coast) de Champorcher (
E/F+; 5h'20/5h'30).
10) - Basic Itinerary n° 4: from Lignan, through Municipal Road in Northeast, towards Vénoz (1.771m), Le Cret (1.791m), La Combaz (+; 2.010m), Larset (1.930m), nearby Porliod (1.879m), small Villages; from this last to Praz de l'Arp (1.978m) and Plaisance (2.037m) Pastures, through dirt farms road, to Tsa de Fontaney Alp (E/F+; 5h'20/5h'30).
"From Saint Barthélemy Valley to Mount Emilius Group", by marco979 (taken by Vilma Mutti)
^^^^^^^11) - Variant n° 2: from Lignan, Larset, Praz de l'Arp, fork around
2.025 meters immediately after and crossing a secondary torrent to Chavalary Alp (
E/F+; 5h'00/5h'10), below Southern slopes and Crest of Mont Morion.
12) - Exceptional Route n° 3: from Tsa de Fontaney or from Chavalary Alpages, through small traces on grassy and debris, to Mont Morion (2.710m; EE/M+; 2h'15/2h'30), easily through South Crest and South-southwest Slope.
"From South towards Saint Barthélemy Valley", by maria grazia s
^^^^^^^13) - Variant n° 3: from Lignan, Larset, through Municipal Road, and towards Praz de l'Arp, alternative
2.023 meters, through dirt road and with path crossing a secondary torrent in altitude
2.023 meters and an other following, to Le Sarreun Alp
(2.380m); from this to Mont Morion on East-northeast easy Crest (
E/E/M+; 5h'00/5h'15 from Larset).
14) - Exceptional Route n° 4: from Lignan Hamlet, through private farms dirt road, to Larset and Le Sarreun Alps; from this last, doubling with path in Northeast/West-southwest the Mont Morion, to Salvé or to next Chaleby Passes, through small path and traces on Northeastern Slopes (EE/F+/M-; 5h'30/6h'15), in Cuney Vallon with Sanctuary.
"Cuney Sanctuary below Merlo Becca", by p-mike
^^^^^^^15) - Basic Itinerary n° 5: from Lignan, Porliod
(1.879m), neighbor Larset Villages, through dirt road/path (cross-country skiing run) in Northeast towards fork just before Praz de Verney
(1.870m) and below Barbonce, La Nouva Pastures, towards Champcombre
(1.930m) Alp, Champlaisant Sanctuary (+;
1.906m), Veyoux Alp
(1.987m), Refuge La Servaz (+;
2.070m), near homonym alp
(2.005m), La Reche Alp
(2.388m) to Cuney Sanctuary (+; Refuge Oratory;
M-; 3h'30/4h'00), below the semi circular range Becca Fontaney
(3.207m) and Franco Nebbia
(3.205m) Summits/Becca of Merlo
(3.231m)/Cuney Pass
(2.917m)/Montagnayes Top
(3.049m), into Cuney Comba.
16) - Exceptional Route n° 4: from Cuney Sanctuary with path Haute Route number 1 in Northeast to Luseney Lake and Bivouac (2.575m); from shelter to Luseney Alp (2.588m) and Livourneaz Pass (2.840m; EE/M+/D-; 4h'30/5h'30).
17) - Basic Itinerary n° 6: from Nus (960m) towards Blavy Hamlet (1.056m), Val Dessus (1.268m), Les Fabriques (1.411m), Verney (1.586m), Les Fontanes (1.664m) small Villages or Pastures, through Regional and Municipal Roads; from this, in North with path and dirt road, towards Pierrey (1.910m), Tsa de Champagne (2.304m), Tsa de Pierrey (2.333m), Tsa de Voyoux (2.316m) Pastures, fork around 2.100 meters to 1) - Crottes Alp (2.389m) and overhanging Bivouac Luca Reboulaz (+; 2.575m; EE/M-; 5h'30/6h'30). Also from Tsa de Voyoux Alpage or from La Servaz Refuge, with tour more in North-northwest, to 2) - Ollière (2.009m) and Praterier final Alps with preceding route (2.066m; same times).
"Reboulaz Bivouac below Luseney Becca & Pass", by Mamo
^^^^^^^Southwestern Side (from Livourneaz Pass to Mont Ander/Mont de Pesse)
"Saint Barthélemy Upper Valley", by livioz
^^^^^^^18) - Variant n° 4: from Reboulaz Bivouac, through path in East, to Tsan Fenêtre (
EE/F+; 1h'00/1h'10).
19) - Exceptional Route n° 5: from Les Fontanes Pasture, through path in North, towards Pierrey, Tsa de Champagne to Tsa de Pierrey Pastures; from this, crossing a torrent and through path on Southwestern Slope to Cime Bianche Northern Summit (+; 3.009m; EE/M/M+; 5h'30/6h'30), between Becca des Crottes (3.004m)/Mont Miracle (2.601m).
20) - Basic Itinerary n° 7: from Les Fontanes, Les Prèles Alps, dirt road-path in East, to Fenêtre Pass (2.162m; EE/F+; 2h30/2h'45), between South Crest of Mont Meabé Antesummit (+; 2.566m)/Mont de la Fenetre (2.304m).
"From North to Becca of Aver & Cima of Longhede", by emilius
^^^^^^^21) - Exceptional Route n° 6: from Les Fontanes, fork immediately before Les Prèles, through dirt road, and in Southwest, with path, to large saddle around
2.360/70 meters; from this in East-northeast
a) - to Becca d'Aver, in West-southwest
b) - to Cima Longhede, the both on crest watershed (
2.469m, 2.416m;
EE/M/M+; 3h'30/4h'00).
22) - Exceptional Route n° 7: from Nus, with Regional Road, to Blavy Hamlet (1.056m); from this, leaving left the same to Lignan-Saint Barthélemy Villages, continue right through dirt road before in Northeast, after North. Reached Le Noueus, Praille Pastures (1.181m, 1.242m), to Mont de Pesse, always dirt road or path in East (1.798m). From this traverse on Southwestern watershed and Southern slopes to the above Mont Ander (1.931m; E/F+; 3h'15/3h'30).
"Aver & Longhede on Southern Watershed", by andreaperino
Valtournanche or Marmore Valley to Matterhorn
Valtournanche. It reaches from Châtillon (549m), Antey Saint André (1.075m), Torgnon (1.489m), Valtournanche (1.524m), Breuil-Cervinia (2.004m), Chamois (1.815m), La Magdeleine (1.650m) Municipalities.
Western Side (from Bornes Hill to Cignana Lake)
"From Chantorné Alpages to Mont Meabé", by emilius
^^^^^^^1) - Minimum Route n° 1: from Torgnon-Septumian Fraction
(1.547m) towards Pecou
(1.618m), Chatrian
(1.650m) Villages to Golette small Resort (
1.677m; Area Pic Nic with small Football Field); from this in Southwest through dirt road into Forest to Bornes Hill and nearby Alp (
T; 1h'00/1h'15 from Golette), below Becca d'Aver
2) - Basic Itinerary n° 1: from Golette to a mini pond and towards Baccard
(1.902m), Vieille
(1.886m), Fontarin
(1.943m), nearby Chantorné Damon
(1.956m) Alps,
(1.700m) through dirt road or paths fork
2.048 meters; from this last in West to Fenêtre Hill (
2.162m; E/F+;
3h'00/3h'15), below Mont de la Fenêtre/Mont Meabé Southern Antesummit.
"Fenêtre Pass from Chantorné Pastures", by Marco Cossard
^^^^^^^3)- Exceptional Route n° 1: from Golette small Resort to fork
2.048 meters; from this in Northwest to Mont Meabé Southern Antesummit, through Southern Slope (+;
2.566m; M+;
2h'45/3h'00 from alternative;
4h'15/4h'30 from Golette Area;
5h'15/5h'30 from Septumian Fraction), between Northern Summit
(2.616m)/Praz Croux (+;
"Ascending Mont Meabé to Central Valley", by sergioenrico ![]()
4) - Basic Itinerary n° 2: from Torgnon (Pecou Fraction), Bagnoy (1.658m), Chaté (1.676m) Villages, fork 1.697 meters, Chatelar Dèsott Pasture (+; 1.791m); from this, through Municipal Roads, to, with path, Mont de Chatelar (+; 1.848m). In North, through dirt roads, towards Chatelar Damon (1.874m), Brusoney (1.895m), Betsoloz (1.895m; source), Courthoud du Meitin, Damon (2.059m, 2.068m) Pastures, Crot des Labies (2.356m), Tsomioy or Chomioi Alpages (2.450m; E/F+; 4h'00/4h'15), below Southern slopes and Eastern Crest of Cima Bianca or Cime Bianche (3.008m).
5) - Variant n° 1: from Alp to Chomioi Pass (2.603m; EE/M-; 0h'45/1h'00), between Cima Bianca South/Mont Miracle.
6) - Exceptional Route n° 2: from Chomioi Alp, through small path and traces, toward point 2.755 meters on Eastern Crest and through the Northern side of the same, always small path and traces, to Southern Antesummit (2.972m); from this with North crossing on South rocky and easy Crest to Cima Bianca North Summit (EE/D-; 2h'30/2h'45 from Alp; 6h'30/7h'15 from Torgnon Commune), between Tours des Crottes (2.859/60m)/Monte Miracolo (2.601m).
7) - Basic Itinerary n° 3: from Betsoloz (1.895m) towards Courthoud du Meitin, Damon, through dirt road, to Chavacour Hospice (2.058m), Crot de Loup (2.159m) Alps; from these to Tsan Bivouac, with path, Lake and Cabane (2.489m, 2.441m, 2.479m; E/F+; 2h'45/3h'00), below Pointe de Chavacour (3.191m)/Pointe Cian or Tsan (3.322m).
"Cignana Basin", by
^^^^^^^8) - Basic Itinerary n° 4: from Valtournanche-Montaz Dessous (
1.467m; parking) through Municipal Road to Valmartin Village
(1.510m); from this with path towards Promoron
(1.812m), Falegnon
(1.914m) Pastures to Cignana or Tsignanaz Lake, Barmasse Shelter (neighbor Chapel), with Haute Route number 1 (
2.149m, 2.175m, 2.186m;
E/F; 3h'15/3h'45).
Eastern Side (from Motta de Pleté/Gran Sometta to Portola Hill)
"Mont Roisetta from Becca d'Aran", by buxlex
^^^^^^^9) - Exceptional Route n° 3: from Valtournanche with Main Road to alternative
1.909 meters after Vervoyes Vilage
(1.845m) and, through dirt farms road, towards Promindoz de Meitin and Damon
(1.932m, 2.026m), Mandaz, Mandaz Dèsott and Damon
(2.113m, 2.315m), Molar
(2.315m), Cleyva Groussa
(2.253m), Illiaz Perron
(2.249m), Gran Plan
(2.510m) Pastures and Alps; from this to cross
2.599 meters and with path in Northwest, crossing Cleyva Groussa Torrent, to Motte de Pleté Western Summit
(2.840m), through Southeast easy Slope. Easily traverse on watershed to Central
(2.870m), Eastern
(3.018m) Summits to Gran Sometta, through West Crest (
D; 3h'00/3h'30 from Grand Plan;
6h'00/7h'00 from alternative), between Northeast
(2.894m) Hills of Cime Bianche.
10) - Exceptional Route n° 4: from Valtournanche-Crétaz (1.515m; parking) with Haute Route number 1 towards unnamed pasture 1.537 meters, Promindoz (1.845m), Cheneil Village (2.104m; parking. Hotel Panorama Bich 2.097m. * Also through Municipal Road from Valtournanche-Evette (1.578m) to Cheneil). From parking under the Village, through path in Northeast, towards Lezard (2.131m), Aran (2.325m), fork neighbor Ledzan Damon (2.688m) Pastures and Alps to Becca d'Aran, through grassy Northeast Slope with small path and traces in final part (2.953m; M-; 3h'30/4h'15 from Cheneil Village; 6h'00/6h'30 from Crétaz Fraction), between Dents d'Aran (3.074m, 3.068m)/Mont de Molar (2.502m).
"Pilaz Alp between La Magdeleine/Chamois Communes", by andreaperino
^^^^^^^11)- Minimum Route n° 2: from Antey Saint André
(1.075m) towards Petit Antey, Chaillein
(1.387m), Lod
(1.474m) Villages, nearby Lod Lake
1.459m; short dirt road), Noussan
(1.509m), with Regional Road, to Brengon Fraction
(1.643m) just before La Magdeleine Commune (+;
1.666m; parking
1.618m). Continue in North-nortwest towards Vieux
(1.689m), Artaz (+;
1.747m) Hamlets. From this, through dirt road, to Laye
(1.855m), Croux
(1.928-1.917m) Villages and, always on dirt, towards Rigollet
(1.923m), Borget (
1.938m; pond Grande Puine), Pilaz
(1.961m) Villages to Pilaz Hill
(1.962m). Descent to cross
1.954 meters, Saverou Alp
(1.907m), fork
1.779 meters, Plan Bringay Pasture
(1.825m), Chamois Commune (+;
T/F; 1h'20/1h'30; round trip traverse
3h'00/3h'30), below Mont Tantané
"Crossing from La Magdeleine to Chamois Communes, through Pilaz Hill", by emilius
^^^^^^^12- Basic Itinerary n° 5: from Antey Saint André-Petit Antey
(1.092m) with Municipal Road towards Chaillein, Noussan
(1.509m-1.474m) Villages, alternative
1.307 meters, neighbor Dalai Lama Camping
(1499m) to Promiod important Hamlet (+;
1.505m). From this, through dirt road in Northeast, towards Boettes
(1.722m) Pasture, Supplin
(1.914m), Brovié
(1.908m), Renard
(2.046m) Alpages, forks
2.118m, 2.165m, 2.252m and
2.354 meters to Portola Hill through Western slopes (
E/F; 3h'45/4h'15), between Mont Tantané/Mont Zerbion
(2.720m) on watershed Valtournanche/Ayas Valleys.
"Watershed Mounts Tantané/Zerbion & Portola Hill from West", by Maria Grazia Schiapparelli
Ayas or the Valley of Evançon Torrent to Champoluc & Breithorns
Val d'Ayas. It reaches from Verrès (390m), Challant Saint Victor (765m), Challant Saint Anselme (1.060m), Brusson (1.332m), Antagnod-Ayas (1.709m), Champoluc (1.570m) Municipalities.Western Side (from Joux Hill to Lake Bleu in Véraz Tableland
"Starting from Zuccore Hill to Zuccore Summit and Testa di Comagna", by emilius
^^^^^^^1) - Minimum Route n° 1: from Brusson
(1.332m) towards Vollon-Saint Pantaléon (+;
1.311m; parking), Extrepierre (+;
1.389m; parking) Hamlets, bridge on Evançon Torrent to signal not transit just before the small village
1.390 meters with Regional and Municipal Roads; from this, through path, to Cross
1.477 meters. Crossing Cima Botta Wood, below Fremies or Fromy Pass
(1.764m), to dirt road of Bois de Joux nearby Ru Cortot in altitude about
1.550 meters; through the same to fork
1.668 meters, alp
1.666 meters and, with short descent Joux Hill (
T; 1h'00/1h'15, between Mont Fromy
(1.859m)/Tête de Comagne (+;
2.105m) and amongst Brusson/Emarese/Saint Vincent Municipalities.
"Going to Testa di Comagna from Mont Tzecore & Hill, with Becca of Luseney & Zerbion in foreground", by emilius
^^^^^^^2) - Basic Itinerary n° 1 and Exceptional Route n° 1: from Brusson, Vollon, Extrapierre, Corbet (+;
1.510m) with Main Road and towards, Ravines (
1.497-1.516m; Alpine Holiday Camp), Lignod (+;
1.615m), Antagnod (+;
1.684m), neighbor Ayas Commune
(1.696-1.738m), through Regional Road. From Antagnod, with path in West-southwest, towards small village
1840 meters, Barmasc Village (+; restaurant; parking
1898m; even Municipal Road from Antagnod), crossing among Borbey/Tantané/Arpeillaz Woods, alternative
1.970 meters above Ru Cortot to
1) - Portola Hill (
2h'15/2h'30 from Barmasc Village;
3h'00/3h'15 from Antagnod Hamlet or, with path, from Lignod, Borbey Villages
(1.862m), between Mont Tantané/Mont Zerbion. From Hill to
2) - Zerbion, through North Ridge
"Way of the Passion of Christ" with various memorial tablets and a small private shelter, (+;
"Descending from Portola Hill to Barmasc and Ayas", by Maria Grazia Schiapparelli
^^^^^^^3) - Exceptional Route n° 2: from Saint Jacques (+;
1.697m) toward Fusine
(1.713m), Blanchard/Bernosin-Armaz
(1.721m) Villages to fork
1.804 meters (signal no transit); from this, through dirt road or path Haute Route number 1 (from Saint Jacques), toward cross
1.838 meters, Croués
(1.870m), Nannaz Dèsott and Damon
(2.049m, 2.193m) Pastures, cross
2.289 meters near Tournalin Dèsott Alp
(2.278m) to Grand Tournalin Refuge
(2.544m), nearby Tournalin Damon Alp
(2.535m), below Grand (Northern Summit
3.379m, +; Southern
3.371m)/Petit Tournalin (+;
3.207m). From refuge in West-southwest to
a) - Nana or Nannaz Hill
(2.772m); in North to
b) - saddle
2.800 meters, Mont Brun or Monte Croce, always through paths (
EE/F+; 2h'00/2h'15 from shelter;
4h'00/5h'00 from Saint Jacques).
"Grand Tournalin from Val d'Ayas", by Corvus
^^^^^^^4) - Minimum Route n° 2: from Saint Jacques, Blanchard and, through dirt road, towards alternative
1.864 meters, neighbor Moleraz Pasture
(1.858m), Revay Alp
(1.948m), unnamed alp
2.953 meters, Plan de Véraz or Verra
(2.069m) to fork
2.086 meters and Lake Bleu (
T; 2h'45/3h'15), under and between Mont de Véraz
(3.137m)/Véraz Alp
(2.394m) and below Mezzalama
(3.009m), Guide Valle d'Ayas
(3.394m), Rossi-Volante Bivouac, Sella
(3.599m) Refuges.
"Verra Tableland in the Fog", by Corvus
^^^^^^^ Eastern Side (from Pinter Pass to Ranzola Hill and Ragina/Garda Summits)
"To Monte Rosa", by sarme
^^^^^^^5) - Basic Itinerary n° 2: from Champoluc (+;
1.579m), with good path in East, towards Cunéaz Village (+;
2.062m) to
a) - Pinter Pass or Péentecoll (
EE/M-; 3h'30/4h'00; from fork immediately under the pass in Southeast to
b) - three Pinter Lochs (
same difficulty and time), between Testa Grigia or Groabhopt (+;
3.316m)/Monte Pinter (
3.137m neighbor the Lateltin Bivouac at the end of shoulder)/Corno Vitello also Chalberhòre (+;
"The Vallon below Testa Grigia", by Corvus
^^^^^^^Estoul wide, large and spacious semicircular BASIN6) - Exceptional various Routes n° 3 from Estoul to Northwest and North: from Brusson to Estoul Village (+;
1.818m; great parking; variaous signals) with Regional Road; from this, in North through dirt road, towards Fenillettaz
(1.840m), following alternative (
1.882m; signal no transit), Fontaine
(1.903m), Chanlochère
(2.012m), fork
2.029 meters, Chavanne
(2.107m) Pastures, alternatives
(2.103, 2.209m) nearby Litteran Lake
(2.226m), fork
2.231 meters. From this
A) -: in Northwest towards Chavanne
(2.347m), Palasinaz
(2.402m) Pastures, to
1) - "Baita Dino" (
about 2.435 meters; private house); from the same, with path before along an effluent into a small vallon and after North shore of Battaglia (Battle) Lake, to Pocia and Long Lakes. Through path in West-northwest over a debris promontory to Bussola Hill
(2.807m); from tyhis in Northwest on Southeast Crest to
2) - Corno Bussola (+;
EE/M+, a shorth passage equipped with chain;
5h'30/6h '30 from Estoul Village;
2h'00/2h'15 from
"Baita Dino"). From fork
2.556 meters amongst Vert/Battaglia/Pocia Lochs, with path in North, to
3) - Couloir Lake
(2.607m) and Palasina Hill, through path on Southern Slope (
EE/F+; 1h'45/2h'00), between Pointe de Palasinaz
(2.783m)/Pointe Lac Long
"Palasina(z) Comba", by Giampiero Assandri
^^^^^^^7) - Exceptional various Routes n° 4 from Estoul to North and Northeast: from fork
2.231 meters B) -: in North-northeast to Arp Refuge (
2.446m; source;
T/E/F; 2h'45/3h'15), below the small watershed Punta Valfredda (+;
2.947m)/Punta Valnera
(2.754m). From shelter, with path in North-northwest to
4) - Palasina Summit, through grassy Southern slopes or East Crest (
EE/F+M-; 1h '45/2h '15). In North, to
5) - Freide three Lakes, through small path on moraines (
2.544m, 2.575m, 2.589m,
E/F; E/F; 1h'15/1h'30). In North-northeast to
6) - saddle
2.778 merres, through before small path and after traces; from this towards altitudes
2.823 meters,
2.921 meters, great Shoulder
(2.972m), Quota
2.923 meters to Corno Vitello, through easy Southwest Crest (
EE/M+/D-; 3h'45/4h'15 from shelter). From shelter
C) - : with path and traces in Southeast to
7) - Valnera Summit, through West slope and North or South Crests; also to
8) - Valnera Pass
(2.676m), through Western slope. From this last to
9) - Valfredda Summit (+;
EE/M; 2h'45/3h'00),
between Corno Vitello/Punta Valnera. From Estoul, towards Fenillettaz, fork 1.871 meters, Moucherulaz Pasture (1.926m; source), with path crossing Moucherulaz Wood, cross 2.335 meters, source 2.381 meters to 10) - Estoul two Lakes (2.434m, 2.451m; E/F; 3h'00/3h'15), under Punta Valnera/Bocchetta d'Eclou (2.522m).
" From Estoul Hamlet with dirt road to Ranzola Hill", by emilius
^^^^^^^8) - Minimum Route n° 3: from Estoul, through dirt road in East, towards Fenillettaz, Murassaz
(1.883m), Praz Barmasse Dèsott
(1.928m; not transit signal) Pastures, alternative
2.014 meters, Fenêtre Alp
(2.083m) to
1) - Ranzola Hill or Arescoll (
T; 2h'15/2h'30), between Mont Ciosé or Stallerhòre
(2.647m)/Punta della Regina (+;
2.387m). From Hill in North-northwest to
2) - Mount Ciosé, through Sout-southeast Crest (
EE/D+; 3h'00/3h'15); in South to
3) - Punta della Regina on North Crest. In Southwest to
4) - Saddle
2.163 meters and Punta della Garda through East Crest (
0h'45/1h'00) or diagonal crossing to Garda Hill (
1h'00/1h'10, the both from Ranzola Hill).
"To Ranzola Hill, Punta della Regina & della Garda", by emilius
Gressoney by Walser or Lys Valley to Monte Rosa
Gressoney Valley. It reaches from Pont Saint Martin (345m), Lillianes (667m), Fontainemore (760m), Issime (980m), Gaby (1.042m), Gressoney Saint Jean (1.385m), Gressoney La Trinité (1.648m) Municipalities.Western Side (from Dondeuil Hill to Upper Bettolina Pass
"Dondeuil Hill Eastern Side and between Pic des Allemands/Becca Torché", by Gabriele Roth aka gabriele
^^^^^^^1) - Basic Itinerary n° 1: from Pont Saint Martin
(345m) to Issime
(980m) Municipalities with Gressoney Valley Main Road; from the last Commune, through dirt road or paths in West, to Santa Margherita small Village (+ chapel). From this, with path on Alpine Route, more in North towards
a) - C. Zeuin, Lamatta
(1.787m), Invan
(1.868m), Vieukle
(1.868m), Methia, Mongiovetta
(1.968m) Pastures to Munes Alp
(2.008m), immediately below Dondeuil Hill and Corno del Lago. From Santa Margherita, with path more in South, towards
b) - San Grato (+;
1.667m), Case (Houses) Ron (
1.695m; two short connections with Northern path), crossing above Valbona Torrent, to Reich
(1.892m) and Munes Alpages. From this last same point to Upper Munes Alp and, through East Slope, to Dondeuil Hill (
EE/M+; 6h'30/7h'00, between Becca Torché
(3.016m)/Becca of Dondeuil
(2.746m)/Corno del Lago or Pic des Allemands
2) - Minimum Route n° 1: from Gressoney Saint Jean (
1.385m; parking), Boulders Zone, before alternative
1.394 meters, towards
a) - Spéssié, Gover (
1.363m; pond), fork
1.412 meters neighbor Stallerbach, Hofié Grenschmatte
(1.432m) Villages to fork
1.400 meters, Bleikò
(1.434m) small Villages; through Municipal Road in final part, to Savoia Castle (+;
T; 1h'00/1h'10), below Mont Ciosé
(2.647m). Round trip, choosing between two routes with
b) -Municipal Road from St. Jean-Eiematte (
1.379m; parking) and through Mielé, Schnacke, fork
1.400 meters.
"Bettolina Watershed between Ayas/Gressoney Valleys", by Romuald Kosina
^^^^^^^3) - Exceptional Route n° 1: from Gressoney La Trinité (+;
1.648m) to Staffal/Tschaval, Bòrretheus/Oagre/Grenne
(1.872m), Cross (+; signal not transit) with Main Road; from this, with dirt farms road in Southwest, towards Trele
(2.031m) Pasture, fork
2.181 meters immediately before Santa Anna Sanctuary (+;
2.170m; source; even Cableway from Staffal 1843m; parking). From alternative, always trough dirt road but in Noorthwest, towards Sitte
(2.292m), Battfòrkò
(2.374m), alternatives
2.425m, 2536m, 2.595m (mini pond in North) to Bettaforca Hill or Battfòrkò (
2.672m; nearby arrivals of Chair Lifts from Santa Anna in Gressoney Valley and from alternative
2.303 meters below Fourcare Damon Alp in Ayas Valley). From hill traverse in North, under Punta Bettolina
(2.996m) to Lower
(2.906m) and Upper Bettolina Passes also Betlinòfòrkò and Obre Betlinòfòrkò (
EE/F+; 5h'45/6h'15 from Bòrretheus/Oagre/Grenne adjacent villages;
3h'00/3h'30 from Santa Anna famous Sanctuary;
1h'30/1h'45 for traverse from Bettaforca Hill to Obre).
Eastern Side (from Corno del Camoscio to Costey Village in Giassit Vallon)
"Testa Grigia ascending to Gabiet Loch, d'Olen Hill & Corno del Camoscio", by emilius
^^^^^^^4) - Exceptional Route n° 2: from Gressoney La Trinité, at the end of the Gressoney Valley, to Parking between Fòhré/Enge
(1.798m) small Villages (
* Departure of a first Chair Lift to alp
1.910 meters and from this an other chair to dirt road immediately below Gabiet Loch), with Main Road; also to Obrò de Jòlò
(1.837m). From alternative (+;
1.801m; signal no transit and parking) just before, through dirt road in Southeast, towards Montery, Tschòcke
(1.926m) Pastures, alternatives
1.941m, 1.989m, Recka
(2.131m), Shéttò Alpages, near Lys Refuge (
**arrival Cableway from Staffal). From this briefly to
a) - Gabiet Refuge and Loch (
2.370m, 2.363m;
T; 0h'20); from Lys Refuge, through dirt road in North, to neighbor Ponte Shelter
(2.388m) and, doubling West the Schwoarzehòre
(2.710m), through path on moraines in East, to
b) - Zube Pass
(2.871m), between Corno Rosso or Rothòre
(3.023m)/Punta Straling
(3.115m). Also continue in North-northeast, always through dirt road, to
c) - Salati Pass
(2.931m), between Stoleberg
(3.202m)/Corno del Camoscio (+;
3.026m). You and still, through dirt road in Northeast, to
d) - pond
2.721 meters and d'Olen Hill
(2.880m), above Guglielmina and Città di Vigevano Refuges
(2.863m), now immediately in Piedmont Region. From the both hills eaily to Corno del Camoscio (
EE/M; 5h'15/5h'30 from Fòhré/Enge or from Obrò de Jòlò Villages;
2h'45/3h'00 from Gabiet Loch or from the Gabiet, Lys, Ponte Shelters, all three in the same vicinity of the lake).
"Città di Vigevano Refuge", by boriskrielen ![]()
5) - Minimum Route n° 2: from Gaby Municipality (1.042m), through dirt road in East, to Chanton (+; 1.444m), Niel Villages (+; 1535m; T/F; 2h'40/3h'00), below Punta Pianeritz (2.540m)/Lazoney Hill (2.395m) and Lazoney Summit (2.579m)/Niel Bocchetta (2.430m)/Punta Tre Vescovi (2.501m)//Mologna Great and Little Mologna Hills (2.364m, 2.205m).
6) - Basic Itinerary n° 2: from Fontainemore (760m), through dirt road in East-northeast, towards Espaz, Pian Pervero (895m), Chucal, Clapasson, Pillaz (1.250m), Cloz (1.356m) Pastures, fork 1.303 meters, Tronc (1.435m), Cleva Bella, Matta, Vargno/Vargnit Alpages to Vargno Lake (1.670m; E/F; 3h'30/4h'00), below Punta Lei Long (2.326m)/Oropa Hill (2.261m)/Monte Rosso (2.374m)/Mont Mars (2.615m)/Punta Leretta (1.997m), in Nature Preserve.
"To Pian Coumarial nearby Mont Mars Nature Reserve", by sergioenrico
^^^^^^^7) - Exceptional Route n° 3: from Fontainemore, through dirt road in East, towards Espaz, Clapasson, Pillaz, Granges, Goy
(1.395m), Pian Coumarial, Bosco Pastures and, through path, towards Vercosa, Rovinas, Serafredda
(1.797m) Alpages, between Punta Figlieu
(2.193m)/Mont Portola
(1.988m); from this to two ponds
2.157 meters nearby D. and A. Coda Shelter (
EE/F+; 7h'00/8h '00; 3h'30/3h'45 from Pillaz Pasture), below Punta della Sella
"Coda Refuge below Punta della Sella", by Corvus
^^^^^^^8) - Minimum Route n° 3: from Pont Saint Martin Municipality
(345m) to Lillianes Commune (+;
667m) with Main Road towards the very long Gressoney Valley. From this last, through Municipal Road immediately before the center and in East-southeast, towards Chessun Hamlet, alternative around
720/30 meters just before Balmetta Pasture. From fork to Curtes and Costey Villages (
T/F; 1h'45/2h'00, near Giassit Torrent at the entrance into homonym small valey.
* Departure Variant: from Fontainemore to Espaz Village and connection through Municipal Roads
T; 0h '30).
"Fontainemore the third Commune to Gressoney Valley", by sergioenrico
Remember that free camping is forbidden (except for emergency reasons, over
2.500m, from darkness until dawn).
Mountain Condition
- Meteo: you can find all the needed informations at the official site of the Valle d'Aosta Region:
- Valle d'Aosta Meteo
Important Information
Useful numbers
- Protezione Civile Valdostana località Aeroporto n° 7/A Saint Christophe (Ao) Tel. 0165-238222.
- Bollettino Meteo (weather info) Tel. 0165-44113.
- Unità Operativa di Soccorso Sanitario Tel. 118.