Smell the Meat, 5.10

Smell the Meat, 5.10

  • Smell the Meat- 5.10/100’
  • Smell the Meat is definitely something a little different than just a simple crack at Indian Creek. Scramble up to a finger/hand crack and eventually take on the wide (5”) flake for 30’. Easier to layback up the outer edge of the flake, but hard to place pro. Then back to a finger/hand crack for the final 20’. This section of the wall will eventually get some sun late afternoon in October, but is nice and cool until then. Take several 5" pieces with you. From Top Sirloin, walk left past Tofu Crack (next left facing corner) and start below the obvious large flake. FA Jason Brown/Dave Simms. Dow (photo) 2nd Meat Wall, Indian Creek, Utah, October, 2010
    Dow Williams
    on Oct 21, 2010 2:19 pm
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 672918


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