The 25-30 foot OW crack...

The 25-30 foot OW crack...

The 25-30 foot OW crack immediately below Salathe Ledge on Lost Arrow Tip route. Pro from 2 to 4 inches (June 6, 2004).
on Jun 8, 2004 12:14 am
Image ID: 55964


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RayMondo - Oct 7, 2009 4:34 am - Voted 9/10

Nice to see

Nice to see some of the reality of being there.


rpc - Oct 7, 2009 11:32 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Nice to see

thanks - so are you planning on this route in the near future Ray (or have you ticked it already?)? If so, I highly recommend of the best days on rock we've had (in a fun, super scenic sort of way!)


RayMondo - Oct 7, 2009 6:24 pm - Voted 9/10

I'm a ways off

That's to say the least. It's been some years since I pure rock climbed. I have some disadvantages, so I turned to winter mountaineering. But now I'm sure that I could do rock again. Yosemite was the great buzz around North Wales when I first started, and the aura of the arena has remained with me ever since.

And I'm still so gassed out on your incredibly amuzing Profile page that I'm getting the stitch laughing.

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