The Christmas Meadows route...
The Christmas Meadows route up Lamotte Peak goes straight up the face and to the summit. The route is more difficult than it looks because of many loose boulders and scree. Early season, the gullies may be filled with snow and make an easier ascents, but after the snow melts, the gullies are even worse than the face for loose scree. The summit is the left of the three "bumps". This picture was taken from the north ridge of Ostler Peak.
Joseph Bullough climbed Ostler Peak (from where this picture was taken), and shot many excellent photos of Lamotte Peak with his digital camera, including this one. He kindly sent me over a hundred high quality photos so I could pick and choose a few that represent the routes and that could delete my older and lower quality ones. I thank him for this, and he deserves the credit.