visentin - Jul 6, 2010 6:39 am - Voted 10/10
modificationHello Henryk,
Perhaps you could turn this album into an area page, as well as Beskid Sadecki ? (just edit it and change the type into "area"). Some other members like Yatsek and me are willing to improve the structure of the Carpathians and we need an area for Beskid Niski and Beskid Sadecki.
If the content needs to be improved to put more practical information, and if you don't have time for it, we can help.
Thanks !
ojo - Dec 30, 2010 10:34 am - Voted 10/10
I agree with ......Eric. Lovely album and enough material and info to create an "area" page... if you've not done that already. Happy N Year. jane.
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