Reiksgib - Feb 12, 2004 11:02 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Interesting SummitI read this on another guys site in reference to the Ryan Mountain summit cairn, "Summit cairns will pop up and disappear from visit to visit. So seems to be the case with Ryan Mountain. It takes only a few minutes work to erect one, and only a few minutes to tear one down. Wilderness purists vary as to their appropriateness. They were originally built to signify that the point had been reached, by modern humans, therefore demonstrating that a first ascent has already been made. Peace signs, words, and other constructions have been laid out about a very few of the summits of the more popular peaks about the West, in addition to more mundane locales. While some may be historical, most are made in recent times. The best thing for a peak hiker to do is to leave them alone.
Pete Yamagata's Page
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