Tristennockl/Monte Covoni Climber's Log

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rgg - Aug 5, 2014 1:38 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2014

Two days in a row  Sucess!

Wednesday the 30th started rainy, but it got better in the afternoon. More importantly, the forecast for the next two days was not too bad, so I wanted to go to the Kasseler Huette to be in the right place for a couple of 3000-ers.

Minutes before I reached the hut, I got wet from a short rain shower. After it cleared, I went up the Tristennockl.

Unfortunately, on thursday the forecast did not come true. It was rainy in the morning so I just stayed in the hut. Later in the day it cleared up quite nicely, and to get some exercise in I once again went up Tristennockl.


Lupino - Apr 19, 2006 9:59 am

Many years ago  Sucess!

I don't remember well, but it was pleasent.

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