OfflineA Little About Me
"Mountains are cathedrals: grand and pure, the houses of my religion. I go to them as humans go to worship...From their lofty summits, I view my past, dream of the future, and with unusual acuity I am allowed to experience the present moment. My strength renewed, my vision cleared, in the mountains I celebrate creation. On each journey I am reborn." -Anatoli Boukreev
My Images
Climber's Logs I've Signed (5)
Mountains & Rocks (5)
- La Malinche Mexican Volcanoes
- Ajusco Mexican Volcanoes
- Nevado de Toluca (Xinantecatl) Mexican Volcanoes
- Iztaccihuatl Mexican Volcanoes
- Pico de Orizaba Mexican Volcanoes
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