OfflineA Little About Me
Some people want to climb mountains,most people don't. Some are successful at climbing mountains , some are very successful, some can only dream. Me? I'm more successful at dreaming than summiting.
My Images
My Mountains & Rocks (2)
- Enniss Peak Wasatch Range (Central)
- South Willow Peak Utah Western Desert Ranges
My Albums (3)
Climber's Logs I've Signed (13)
Areas & Ranges (1)
- Zion National Park U.S. National Parks
Mountains & Rocks (12)
- Deseret Peak Utah County Highpoints
- Bald Mountain Western Uinta / Lakes Roadless Area
- Angels Landing Zion National Park
- Mount Baldy (UT) Wasatch Alpine Ridge
- Sugarloaf Peak Wasatch Alpine Ridge
- Patsy Marley Wasatch Range (Central)
- Honeycomb Cliffs Wasatch Cottonwood Ridge
- Grandeur Peak Wasatch Range (Central)
- Enniss Peak Wasatch Range (Central)
- South Willow Peak Utah Western Desert Ranges
- View Benchmark (UT) Wasatch Range (Central)
- Sunset Peak Wasatch Cottonwood Ridge
My Lists
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Messages I Posted/ Editable Objects
Reviews I Posted/Reviews Posted to my Gear
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