A relitivly Easy bushwack from the end of porcapine road, van Wyck presents a 600 foot climb along a brushy reasonably flat ridge line.
throughout most the brush you find that the woods are relitivly opean for a Catskill Hundred peak,(many have trees packed togther like a can of tuna, and even wrose prickers). Along this ridge you will find Traces of a Path here and their, a very old and overgrown path, defently not one that the dec put in place. Some stone steps (its very clear they are not from the ice age, but were placed their a long time ago) lead up to a ledgey area know as the Amplatheater, a place where locals say Native americas held ceramonys sometime in the past, Their is also a piped spring here.
After asending this tough ledge to get over, you will find more stairs in a area without a trace of a path, and then the wooded summit.
On vaN wycks summit it pays to explore, as you will find a few ledges with veiws, one which has a veiw the rivals wittenbergs veiw.
This bushwack should take up to 2 hours one way
Its also possable to bush wack up from bear hole brooke, on which you will find some sucluded waterfalls, and possably 2 plane crash sites nearing the top, this route is long and has 2000 feet of climbing.
A Bushwack to or from table is also done, this involves a logish slog through a thicking forest and 1000 feet of elivation gain
Getting There
Bushwack from Table mountian, Peakamoose road, via Bear hole brook, or Porcapine road
Be advised if you travle up sugar loaf road to get to red hill and porcipine road, its a very long up hill, and a step one at that
Red Tape
Some possable aproched are private land, only use the public arpoches
VW is below 3500 feet, so camping should be allowed on dec land, Camp fire would + a forest fire if its dry on top as theirs plenty of brush and some blowdown
a good camping spot woult be at the indian Amplatherter, theirs a good spring near by
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