The second approach is less frequented and comes from the south-east, across the high karstic plateau. There are many possibilities, especially in winter, when we can ascend with skis almost everywhere.
Bogatinsko sedlo (Vratca), 1803 m, is a high saddle, connecting Bohinj world with Krn group. From Bohinj you have some 4 hours till there, but if you are staying on Komna (two mountain huts) you can reach the saddle in 1 h 30 min by a good mule path. To start the tour on Velika Baba, you descend 100 meters, until reaching a broad basin between Vrh nad Gracijo, Lanževica and Velika Montura. You leave the broad path which descends from Bogatinsko sedlo to Krn lake on the place, where the path comes on the eastern slopes of Velika Montura. There you deter towards the north-west, around Velika Montura. If you are careful, you will find on the slopes a weak, un-marked path, ascending persistently up. So, you are gaining heigth and turning more and more to the western direction. Through a shallow valley you reach a distinct saddle N-NE of Velika Montura. There a nice view on Velika Baba opens.
You could of course continue towards the W-NW down in the high valley below Baba and join the marked path, described in the chapter above. But on the saddle below Velika Montura you have more options. First, consider ascending Velika Montura itself. You have only some 15 minutes up there. To continue on Velika Baba, it is best to continue towards the north, by the connecting ridge. A weak path goes there. The first bump in the ridge is detoured by the left, then ciarns lead you all the time towards the north, until you reach a passage below Predolina. Actually, there you are already on the eastern summit ridge of Velika Baba and you lost no altitude. Continue left, keeping a bit below the ridge. Ciarns will guide you around (or through) a dense dwarf-pine area, then you are already on the place, where from the left the marked path comes up. Now you have only the last 15 minutest of steep ascent to the panoramic summit.
From the place, where you deter from the marked path below Bogatinsko sedlo, you can also go directly towards the ridge of Predolina - on the passage, where you continue westwards on top. Altogether you will need only a good hour, if you go over the high saddle below Velika Montura, you have some 10 minutes more. From Komna you have on top of Velika Baba 2 h 30 min, from Bohinj 5 h. The ascent is easy, only orientation can cause you some problems - but only if visibility is poor. | Druga možnost pristopa na Babo je manj v rabi, prihaja pa od jugovzhoda, čez planoto. Tam je mnogo variant, še posebno pozimi, ko se s smučmi lahko vzpnemo domala kjerkoli.
Bogatinsko sedlo (Vratca), 1803 m, povezuje Bohinj s skupino Krna. Iz Bohinja je do tja nekako 4 h, če pa bivate v eni od obeh koč na Komni, je pa do sedla po dobri poti 1 h 30 min. Za vzpon na Veliko Babo se je treba s sedla spustiti še 100 m proti zahodu, v prostrano dolino med vrhovi: Vrh nad Gracijo, Lanževica in Velika Montura. Pot, ki gre sicer dol h Krnskemu jezeru, zapustiš na mestu, ko ta pride do vzhodnih pobočij Velike Monture. Tam skreneš proti severozahodu, okrog Monture. Če si pozoren, boš v pobočjih na levi našel šibko stezico, ki se vztrajno vzpenja. Tako dobivaš višino in se znova usmerjaš proti zahodu. Plitva, travnata dolinica te pripelje na sedlo severo-severovzhodno od Velike Monture. Z njega se odpre lep pogled na Babo.
Sedaj bi se po nadaljevanju iste poti lahko spustili v dolino pod Babo in se priključili markirani poti. A na voljo so boljše možnosti. Najprej razmislimo, če ne bi šli še na Veliko Monturo. Na vrh je vendar le 15 minut! Na Babo pa je najbolje nadaljevati po grebenu proti severu. Šibka stezica prvi vršič obide po levi (zahodni) strani, potem pa nas možici vodijo vse do prehoda pod vzhodnim grebenom Babe (blizu Predoline). Tako nismo izgubili nič višine, samo še zavijemo levo in se pod grebenom začnemo vzpenjati proti vrhu, ki je že čisto blizu. Možici nas vodijo okrog gostega ruševja ali skozenj, nato pa smo že na mestu, kjer z leve na greben pride markirana pot. Do vrha je še 15 minut vzpona.
Z mesta, kjer smo se od poti Bogatinsko sedlo – Krnsko jezero odcepili desno, bi lahko šli namesto na sedelce pod Veliko Monturo tudi kar naravnost na prehod pod vzhodnim grebenom Velike Babe.
Z odcepa je na vrh dobra ura vzpona, čez sedlo pod Monturo pa kakih 10 min več. S Komne bo na vrh nekako 2 h 30 min, iz Bohinja pa 5 h. Tura je lahka, le v primeru slabe vidljivosti nam jo lahko precej zahode orientacija. |