View Benchmark (UT) album

View Benchmark (UT) album

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Local conditioner

Within ten minutes of my home in Lehi, I can get to a trailhead and make a "quickie" hike to a very scenic spot that overlooks both the Salt Lake and Utah valleys. I can either get three miles round trip or two miles round trip, depending on which way I go and gain about 600 feet in doing so. It has become my conditioner when I am pressed for time and these are some of the pictures I've taken in different seasons. View Peak is the highest spot in the Traverse range, the little range that separates the Salt Lake Valley from Utah Valley. Point of the mountain is the famous 1-15 section that motorists have to negotiate as they go from
Salt Lake City to Provo. Eventually I'll put together a page with a map for those who might be interested in visiting this "conditioner" of mine. For now, I would refer you to this page put together by Eric Willhite: HERE. He has a nice map located on his page.


Spring, Summer and Fall

More pics will be added later.


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