rokaj - Dec 29, 2004 11:15 am - Voted 10/10
WildernessIt must be wild life place here? Can you meet somebody hiking? Great view.
Velebit - Dec 29, 2004 11:39 am - Hasn't voted
Re: WildernessHi Rok! This is wilderness like only on Velebit can be found today in the heart of civilization! There is nothing in this area, not even a single marked path, no one goes here. Terrain is very difficult below forest. There is bigger chance that meteor will hit Earth than to meet someone here, true! :-) Can you imagine that Croatian Forests wanted to enter this area with roads and cut the forest!!!!! They are criminals like no other! Fortunately that imbecile idea was stopped by the action from people who love Velebit. But, other similar places on Velebit are endangered and not many completely untouched areas are left and they entered several of them this year. I'm crazy because of this. I've been writing about this problem in mountaineering magazine and now I hope my article will be published in National Geographic. Wider public has to know.
rokaj - Dec 29, 2004 5:06 pm - Voted 10/10
Re: WildernessWe have some same problems. They want to kill our nature. I have been on Zelenica, I`m sure you know the place, approximately 6 years ago. It was not so bad. I slept in old hut last month before it was ruined by fire. Sorry, I missed the point. Road-path to there from Ljubelj pass was nice. Not quiet ( alot of tuourists) , but not with car or buldozer noise etc. Now, this nice place became a working area for road to ski center. You can read about this on Gore&ljudje forum more precise. Disaster. Not for people directely. I`m more concern about nature. This will destroy nature for few generation, we can say forever. I hope you will achieve some results with your forest. By us looks impossible-we lost the batlle.And only because of tourist road, we have to add. sorry, this is modern way of live-thinking. Regards ROK
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